Farm Przegl Nauk, 2010, 6
Praca finansowana przez Uniwersytet Medyczny
w Łodzi w ramach prac własnych nr 502-13-702
1. Kratz F i wsp. Prodrugs strategies in anticancer chemo-therapy. Chem Med Chem 2007: 3: 20-53.
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7. Duncan R. Polymer conjugates for tumor targeting and intracytoplasmic deliveiy. The EPR effect as a common gateway? PSTT 1999; 2: 441-449.
8. Ulbrich K, Śubr V. Polymeric anticancer dmgs with pH-controlled activation. Adv Drug Deliv Rev 2004; 56: 1023-1050.
9. Maeda H i wsp. Tumor vascular permeability and the EPR effect in macromolecular therapeutics: a review. J Control Rei 2000; 65: 271-284.
10. Kopećek J. Water soluble polymers in tumor targeted deliveiy. J Control Rei 2001; 74: 147-158.
11. Duncan R i wsp. Preclinical evaluation of polymer-bound doxorubicin. J Control Rei 1992: 19: 331-346.
12. Minko T. Kopećkova P. Kopećek J. Chronić exposure to HPMA copolymer-bound adriamycin does not induce multi drug resistance in a human ovarian carcinoma celi linę. J Control Rei 1999; 59: 133-148.
13. Vasey PA i wsp. Phase I clinical and pharmacokinetic study of PK1 [N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methaciylamide copolymer doxorubicin]: first member of a new class of chemothcrapeutic agents. Drug-polymer conjugates. Clin Cancer Res 1999; 5: 83-94.
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14. Thomson AH i wsp. Population pharmacokinetics in phase I drag development: a phase I study of PK1 inpa-tients with solid tumors. Br J Cancer 1999; 81: 99-107.
15. Li Ch, Wallace S. Polymer-drug conjugates: Recenl de-velopment in clinical oneology. Adv Drag Deliv Rev 2008; 60: 886-898.
16. Seymour LW. Hepatic Drag Targeting: Phase I Evalua-tion of Polymer-Bound Doxorabicin J Clin Oneol 2002; 20: 1668-1676.
17. Schoemaker NE i wsp. A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of MAG-CPT, a water soluble polymer conjugate of camptothecin. Br J Cancer 2002; 87: 608-614.
18. Bisset D i wsp. Phase I and pharmacokinetic study of MAG-CPT (PNU166148): a polymeric derivative of camptothecin (CPT). Br J Cancer 2004; 91: 50-55.
19. ProLindae Fact Sheet 2009.
20. Gieenwald RB i wsp. Effective drug deliveiy by PEGylated drag conjugates. Adv Drag Deliv Rev 2003; 55:217-250.
21. Pasut G. Veronese FM. PEG conjugates in clinical de-velopment or use as anticancer agents: an overview. Adv Drag Deliv Rev 2009; 61: 1177-1188.
22. Choe YH i wsp. Anticancer drag delivety Systems: Multi-loaded A J-acylpoly(ethylenr glycol) prodrugs of ara-C. II. Efficacy in ascites and solid tumors. J Control Rei 2002; 79: 55-70.
23. Abuchowski A i w sp. Alteration of immunological proper-ties of bovine serum albumin by covalent attachment of polyethylene glycol. J Biol Chem 1997; 252: 3578-3581.
24. Greenwald RB. PEG drugs: an overview. J Control Rei 2001; 74: 159-171.
25. Graham ML. Pegaspargase: a review of clinical studies. Adv Drag Deliv Rev 2003; 55: 1293-1302.
26. Branton LL, Lazo JS, Paiker KL. Goodman&Gilman’s The Pliarmacological Basis of Therapeutics. Mc Graw-HiU, USA 2006.
27. Sapra P i wsp. Novel deliveiy of SN-38 markedly inhibits minor growth in xenografts including a Camptothecin-11 refractory model. Clin Cancer Res 2008; 14: 1888-1896.
28. Li Ch. Poly(L-glutamic acid)-anticancer drag conjugates. Adv Drag Deliv Rev 2002; 54: 695-713.
29. Opaxio (Xyotax) Fact Sheet 2009.
Adres do korespondencji:
Andrzej Stańczak
Zakład Farmacji Szpitalnej Wydziału Farmaceutycznego UM w Łodzi,
ul. Muszyńskiego 1, 91-151 Łódź;
tel.: +48 42 677 92 52