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WOUŁD‘8 mott ftmouk cht«w*|Y.ayarn co u ple łnirr*




fAW mm tXPt*.'Ł HCTP f iMCf R5.

m©.l !<, i M tayd # O gaa »/07e f<K» Wa#fk.

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Ccpf'r+hntntM t*ęj


ACnoeM    44 Srrycr

I )(<w.idi    44 UrtnMt

II    loJd.nc dmc# o S^r/tta

At T* POAhCHC. If ny Pu?3A5nCfr




In Helgtum. tho mon nr-wwtW

fm—rnrr.oi1 nut”

number tho womon by 363 to I In Algiart. eueh men nutnumber turh wom-on by 3.744 to I. In Boi-


HU ohnw Kempolrn

rm a mi*-


boottlng tholr italut to-woni eeiunlity with inon ^•Irly Iłborntffl bunrh In Algiart thoy aro not. Cali lhom dominnted, thore Point la tho atntUtlełar.a my. tho crlmo rAtlo. of mon to womon In nny glven country qułte nccurntoSy raflort* tho próg rota of. tho Woment Liberation movement^ Tho moro thoy

tlny tum Ing whoaU ThU llttlo fe!low~t nu rod Europo to dofoAt nil tho' landlng ehett p.nyoi> of hU limo

YOUNO LADY.,do you rcgnrd your*elf *nt thr )rolo jfc ty po? |f ao noyor' mind. it'§ no« your fauli mnybo '■‘Numarout atu-dent* o# the rmnd now eon lond łt’t ab inhrritiMl chi



Q Why d»d you »hnv«-offyourmuatache Loult^

A* You mann 30 yoar> Ago? Dtallnctly rocolUvi Why..-To a young lady frtend oi Ihe doy. I quoti-d thal old Spnntah próvorb .“A kita wlt ho ul n muatoehr >n- oiff'

%ńlt ** Bul the % aid ’ “Too a alty.1*-

arenl born with It. you wonY romo down wilh tt thay anx. And thoy aay fur thor U • lotally abcni.i lit a lot of poopto

Q "ARC thnrr many alooholwa In Japau and China?’

A In Japan. a lot lo Chma. few. But ihat dooanY maun tho Chinowo donT pul away ronalder-*abl» hned łłquoe Thoy do. With food nlwaya Thoy rn ilpptr» Or ITk' rorrt-%

pond ant* r o port

9 Cartopipli 17 Kalita 1) Romtn dtw UUUrdlfr >



IT Dorn • laTith U»t'acl 1) Wockroo*

71 Lanreut * —OUstlpoinl-gAlUnitcripU leki

27 Coltftda Itdwm 79Salard.sk 22 Ol.it ---^

34 He)tfiout



34 V*l*d roruWtfctu 34 Ntchitg 31 Ftl) In drop« 31 Jtf cedfa n 39Cmin gal . (cal C9Se4l4MAK (I Corr«d«t

(larroll Righier


GENERAL TfJNnEWCIESr Ttte moming ii good for you 10 make up youi rund and to orginiie a campitgn whcieby you <an gun tbc aima ttol nKan tlić mott to you Afternoon and evcning you are gblc- to pul -yicln roang ruro jc»\T^Tpf?nion arwcK asicToll->c s*Vnow juil u-Kat you do have in iMinI and (o gci rhcir atuifance

ł«***•> .    KRRRY DRAK*

AKILS (Mar 2ltoApr l*D Attcnd to duliei earły ao you cap make new ecquaintancet liter, loofc mto new outlets.eic.

Imeitigate new tourcet Ol infotmaRon «> you can eatend your prrtent    |)on‘t arguc wiih małe in p re    ——

2 AU RUS (Apr 20 to May 20) You can compUte lhom

u;fc<.utUh~an-aA40c*aU-aaflp-tfUlioulakŁ-iAiaux ,ynu

nght.lnto the work necciuty to furtliar mu tuj) ałmc Try to be morc undeuuńdmg with matę. Uc ahead o( the gamę GtMlNI (May 21 to Junf 21) You can get all thote dutiea handlfd mott clfiocntly now if you roaUy apply yourtcIf.Get at tbem culy and then you can jom the wortd of action for good purpoicf l*łR your wardrofce to nlcatc own tatiet

MOON C1IILDREN (Janc 22 lo July 2I> Din the recreation you want to nav« tarły Ihan g«t rtgtii into import ant work wtth 'partnera with cntłmtiasm You can conrmoe tomcont to do w Lii you want m the mornmg. but othen arc not to amenabk lacet

LI:O (july 22 to Aug 21) Hamilo 4hat utiution at home tery citefuUy mam Then ymi can werk on creati^e tctmty wltli higwlgt and make big hcadway Gtl into hatic matiere thal arc imporiant htening it fiM for ańTutcmenlt

VIRGO (Aug 22 to Sept 22) Appointmentt and ihopping thoułd be tchedultd tarły to thal later you can bc with hm to have morę harmony at home You had bclter plan earty whal you will say m chat tital conttrtaimn you wanfto have with anolher    •

1.IDRA (Sept 23 to Oct 22) Y >u havc practical affatrt to handle early to do not procrattinate any łongef Get routme

•    ofk out of the way. too Pay thote important billt alio

por. t forget thoppmg    i

SCORPIO.(Oct 23 to Nov 21) Make tbat plan of action rarly to thal you can then pław through it tuccettfully and $Ain Hit benefnt therefrpm L Mer tam thote to whom you are obligaied, and thow apprcciation for thau talaltoAtłup.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov 22 to Dcc 21) Out to tome plier where you can coi^entrate and plan tU futura mora inielhgently; then you can tcl the wheelt in motion with good palt Lutcn to advice from eipertt and foflow It Avotd one who arguet too much

CAPRICORN (Dec 22 to Jan 20) Know whal your tnie •imrara and whoyou-waltt.4o u i. loiay. Hen 4ałt>-liU0Ug^ua.

•    atoti pouiivc fastkion Siudy ihat patuculat urn weB befort ypu take any action on it kterong it firte (ot happinrts wtth •nate

- AOIWrIUS lian 21 to l en 19) You arc under totne pretture no* thaf rcquicct thougSt Mkl^ rigfcf action immrdnitrły Then get out 10 the activitir« thal-mott. A htglicr-up can givc (mc aid tn im. j>iovi-.lci1 you contact early

PI SCI: S lich 20 to Mar 20) You Are htghły impiied now un how to gem your fondeit aepirałtort. but be turę to* contact bigwig for hit okay A ttudy of facttat hand can gi«c you the knowledgc you tcek then you can eapjnd at you wilh    r ~

Ił* YOUR CHILD IS IIOHN TODAY he or the will he one of thote chanBURg and logical youfig people who u fore»er mak mg plant and earty ing them through to gam what ta mott import ant Upon reaching mitunty your ton or daughler will

j?m io cipicn iLL m n r.ioil uliil gna iiittulait ndY. W ilii tilal for you to g>*e the finetl cducation you can affoid There can be famo in thw chart. providrd the ethlcal and tpintua) irainmg necenary u not neglecled

your lift u largeły up (o - ' Tu53»y, SjpRSbinjrwn Tim*ł fJ»v*ł. Ywln F»łU, ld*Ko łf

Whafs What

L. M. Boyd

Approvlmatoly half tho brat told rlatlonwlde Are paddod Thnt fnct hn* bron rnported Now. too. It e r*v»al-od thal Cnllfomln U a eupor.or markot for tych morohąn^ dtal Tri NortK Cnrirtinn. Iho dómnndiriow LlkowUe Iow In Toka«. WAthlngiuo glrle buy up a contldnrablc* quan-}Ky. Hut Idaho tr.il Montano women r\at ao many. Nor aro Indiana nnd Ohio partlcularty noteworthy for the numbor of femlnmc purchftter* of p*dd«t brną


mWWfTTiy-oSrRo laglot* midgrt mon r Artnrr

doeketl hlm

ehanlralman 'cottume fil    ..


A SCHOLAR who apa-ćUllgaa (n langunge tayd hit MwHh indieato the— a^rfoOt    philotophleal

nudtata oppoar tu havo a pnrtlcuUr avcr*ton to tha word nnkod Thknk Ra vUI-gnr Ncveru«rU

WHY I ilon'1 Jenów, but It a n cuatpm amonie the . Scott to thoot a round of golf far fattar than Ąjport-cant płay the gamo Thrlfl ■rnubeesA-^n/d^fau _ roully tnvoa lima 'ATmć>%\ tfota

AT ANY glv#n lima on any profattlooal footht); •qund thit fnll. you ean figuro nbout f»vr playera will bo benched with Injurlat 9nvon out of IO will be bneo mjurtot. mott probnbly.*.

nltrpnen    'UttaiM

-I4.T—owłtka 43 Ctaok ihaaUr — —


14 Abute    WAturk

DOWN    Ura»tk>rad

22 Roman foodt .trUteilM

I Rorced    71 CWmtni    43 WtaA ligfclly

2Cvrt>p«tn    73PuUAdd^rk elgu/Dcrt

rivtf    » Sraeti    4l Wie kod

___-Aceouaii___4 UD-ddhirt

HConducuc.. jnliBr

4G.uit _catalrtt

V^»r---Tttth I

C Ftncy    » Trtp    SI flutrsg Intoct

T TrtatmiRed »Grtfled Ihrr ) S7 łUn reoduett


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