employs a wide rangę of cutting edge biochemical, electrochemical, molecular biology and biophysical approaches, provided by a world class interdisciplinary research team who are experts in biosensor and biocatalysis research.
3. New generation of GaN-based sensor arrays for nano- and pico-fluidic systems for fast
and reliable biomedical testing (GANANO)
Budget: 268950.18 €
Source of Funding: European Union, Contract No. STREP STREP 505641-1
Duration: 1/1/2004 - 28/2/2009,
The goal of the project is to develop a novel Gallium Nitride (GaN) based integrated system for fast physical, Chemical, and biological analysis of metabolites, pharmaceuticals, proteins and pathogens in aąueous nano- and pico-droplets. The project explores the frontiers of nanotechnologies through development and integration of electronic sensor arrays, optical components (visible and UV light emitters and detectors), and a nano-fluidic dosing device, to form a multifunctional system based on GaN micro- and nanostructures. Optimized for physical, Chemical, and biological analysis of very smali amounts of liąuid, the system will support long-term innovations in bio- medical applications, industrial testing, and development of pharmaceuticals.
4. Sensor Arrays for Environmental, Generic and Routine Detection of Pesticides (SAFEGARD)
Budget: 198563.55 €
Source of Funding: European Union, Contract No.QLK3-CT-2000-000481
Duration: 1/12/2000 - 30/11/2007
The main focus of the project was the development of biosensors, based on specifically tailored enzymes known as cholinesterases - which are the target of many pesticides. Within SAFEGARD dedicated instrumentation was also developed and its associated software for the detection, ąuantification and monitoring of pesticide-related pollution. 'This project permits