Scedlinghcight (cm) from //waseeds stored imbibed

atl 0,22 and 27°C


Leachate conductivity (pS) of seeds stored imbibed at 10, 22 and 27'C.


Storage temperaturę--Mean

Storage temperaturę

Monthsof storage





10°C (coldroom) 27.33 38.15 17.54 0.33 20.84 22°C(air-conditioned)27.19 36.02 34.12 14.13 27.86 27°0 (ambient)    27.33 41.70 38.53 34.98 35.63

Mean    27.28 38.62 30.06 16.48

10°C(coldroom) 22.0    24.17 49.33 79.03 43.63

22°C (air-conditioned)22.09 22.53 53.67 47.67 36.46 27°C (ambient)    22.33 19.33 30.05 36.67 27.08

Mean    22.11 22.06 44.33 54.44

1.. 5.D. (p = 0.05) for between monlhs of storage within same

temperaturę = 4.58

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between temperatures within same or different moiuhs of storage = 4.21)

1.. 5.D. (p = 0.05) for between temperatures = 3.61 L.S.D. (p - 0.05) for between months of storage = 2.65

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between months of storage within same temperaturę = 10.30

L.S.D. (p = 0 .05) for between temperatures within same or different months of storage = 15.48

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between temperatures = 10.04

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between months of storage = 5.95


Respiration of cmbryonic axes (p 10.,g dry wt_l hr_I) from Hmea seeds stored imbibed at 10„22 and 27“C.


Seedlingsdry weight (g) from //mw seeds stored imbibed at 10,22and27*C.

Monthsof storage

Storage temperaturę- Mean

0    12    3

10°C(coldroom)    0.342    0.469    0.190    0.003    0.251

22°C (air-conditioned) 0.339 0.553 0.503 0.127 0.381

27°C (ambient)    0.342    0.672    0.555    0.518    0.522


L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between months of storage within same temperaturę = 0.08

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between temperatures within same or different months of storage = 0.122

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between temperatures = 0.091

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between months of storage = 0.065

Al ter one mon th of storage, there was no change in the respiration ratę. However, the respiration ratę increasedsignificantlyaftertwo momhsofstorage. Nevertheless, there was a significant decrease of morę than 50 percent in the respiration ratę at all storage ternperaturesafter three monthsof storage (Table 6). I here was no significant storage temperaturę effect on the respiration ratę.

Monthsof storage

Storage temperaturę -

0    1    2    3

10°C (cold room) 1738.93 1684.07 2790.20 1002.97 22°C (air-conditioned) 1489.5 1972.03 3886.55 883.30 27°C (ambient)    1730.0 1288.50 1875.53 489.60

Mean    1652.81 1648.17 2850.76 791.96

L.S.D. (p = 0.05) for between months of storage = 827.49


Hruea seeds stored imbibed deteriorated fastest when stored at 10°C, followed by 22°C and 27°C, respectively. Sakhibun (1981) alsodemonstrated that the best temperaturę of storing Hevea seeds imbibed was ambient temperaturę. Ang (1976) reported that the best storage temperaturę of imbibed Heveaseeds was 7—10°C with percentage germination of 25 percent after three monthsof storage. In the present study, when seeds were stored at 10°C, percentage germination was only 5 percent after the same period of storage.

I he inerease in leachate conductivity was cor-related with percentage germination. Seeds stored


PERTANIKAYOL. 14N0.1, 1991


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