area ot thc longitudinaJ section ot the subvcntral oesophageal penetration gland was 338 p1 (female), 157 p2 (maić) and 146 p2 (larvae). lnoculum dcnsities of 1 or 20 femalcs/sccdling gavc similar pcrccntagc penetration. Whcn nematodes wcrc stored at 5’C, in 0.1% streptomycin solution. for up to 141 days thc pcrccntagc penetration by females rcmained constant but penetration by thc males and larvac dcclined after 35 days. Females dissected from lesions failed to penetrate new roots and 80% died within 72 h.

fibrous roots than in coarse roots. Ireatment with aldicarb, carbofuran, CGA-12223 and ethoprop at 2.24 kg a.i./ha rcduccd thc nematode numbers in thc fibrous roots. In thc field tests only aldicarb or ethoprop treatment significantly reduced thc numbers in thc coarse roots, but all treatments reduced the numbers in the coarse roots in the glasshousc experiment. Aldicarb and ethoprop wcrc morę efTcctivc than CGA-1223 or carbofuran in both field and glasshousc experiments.

02 3 1 Sharma, N. K.; Sethi, C. L. Interaction between Meloidogyne incognito and Heterodera cajani on cowpea. Indian Journal of Nematology (1976 publ. 1978) (1) 1-12 [En] Division of Nematology, Indian Agric. Rcs.

R-; Fauquet, C.; Lourd, M

r 0239

Inst., New Delhi 110012, India.

Maximum population inereases of Meloidogyne incognito and Heterodera cąjani were obtained by inoculating Vigna sinensis (cowpea) plants with 200 larvae of each spccics separatdy/g soil. Higher inoculum lcvels rcduccd thc finał populations. The number of galls formed by M. incognito and number of cysts of H. cajani whcn thc 2 spccics wcrc inoculated together wcrc less than whcn they wcrc inoculated singly at the same level. M. incognito showed depressed

glung and reproduction rates in the presencc of H. cajani.

. cajani showed a reduction in thc number of cysts but no rcduction in reproduction ratę. The penetration ratę of M. incognito was 63.6% for an inoculum of 50 larvae and 49.8% for 100 larvac and for H. cajani 78.0 and 65.6% respectively. Thcre was evidence that H. cajani penetrated faster (48.75% at 4 days) than M. incognito (28% at 8 days). 9.62% of H. cajani larvac and 1.2% of M. incognito larvac dcvclopcd into males. H. cajani had a 19-day lifc-cycle and M. incognito a 26-day life-cyclc.

0232 Dickson, D. W.; Waites, R. E. Chemical coatrol of Tricbodorus christieiy Pratylenchus zeae% P. brachyums and Criconemoides sp. on field corn in Florida. 17th Ann. Mcet., Soc. Nematol., Hot Springs, Arkansas, 7-10 Aug. 1978. Abstract. Journal of Nematology (1978) 10 (4) 285 [En] Dep. of Entomol. & Nematol., Univ. of Florida, Gaincsvillc, FL 32611, USA.

Maize yields were significantly inereased by treatment with all the nematicides tested exccpt DBCP (4.7 1/ha) and parathion (1.7 kg/ha). Twelve of the 19 treatments resulted in avcragc yicld mereases of at least 1000 kg/ha over control plots. Tne largest yicld inerease (2,623 kg/ha) was on plots treated with 1.3-D at 46.8 1/ha.

0 2 33 Naoanathan, T. G.; Siyakumar, C. V. Control of the leston nematode Pratylenchus dclattrei Loc, 1958 on małże. Indian Journal of Nematology (1976 publ. 1978) 6 (1) 32-38 [En] Dep. of Entomołogy, Tamil Nadu Agric. Univ., Coimbatore 641003, India.

A significant reduction in Pratylenchus delattrei populations in maize roots was found in plots treated with caibofuran or aldicarb (both at 25 ka/ha) or aldicarb (1.0 kg/ha) at the time of sowing. Fensulphothion treatment had no significant effect All the treatments, except aldicarb 1.0 kg/ha, gave significantly higher yiekls of grain and cob than untreated plots.

0 2 34 Singh, N. D. Effects of intereropping maize with soybean on crop yields and populations of serera) plant1 parasitic nematodes. 17th Ann. Meet., Soc. Nematol.. Hot Springs, Arkansas, 7-10 Aug. 1978. Abstract. Journal of Nematology (1978) 10 (4) 299 [En] Caribbean Agric. Res. Development Inst., Univ. of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad, West Indies.

0 2 3 6 Lingę, D. S. Studies on the root-knot of winged-bcan ([Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC.) in Papua New Guinea. Thesis, Department of Agriculturc, University of Papua New Guinea. (1976) 46 pp. [En]

Meloidogyne incognito was confirmed as the species attacking Psophocarpus tetragonolobus in Papua New Guinea. In the field, larvae entered seedling roots within a week of planting and adult females and galls were observed after 4 weeks. Larvae hatched from eggsacs most readily at 25’C: slightly fcwer hatched at 301 and 371 (47.1 and 51.1% respectively after 3 days) and at 51 and 151 the cumulative hatch after 7 days was 3.3 and 31.9% respectively. In a pot experiment galls were found after 4 weeks with an inoculum of 4 larvae/g soil. M. incognito from winged bean reproduced on tomato cv. T45 New Zealand.

#0237 Nigeria, International Institute of Tropical Agrjculture Annual report 1977. I badan, Nigeria. (1978?) v + 98pp [En, Plant nematology pp. 68-69]

Mulches were tested over a 3 year penod as modifiers of the plant parasitic nematode population on maize, cassava, cowpea and soybean crops. In the 3rd year soil populations were similar under soybean tops, rice, straw, maize cobs, cassava stems, pigeon pea stems and on control plots- Plots mulched with mixed twigs, Pennisetum straw, pigeon pea tops, rice husks, oil palm leaves, black plastic and fuie gravel continued to show a decłine in nematode population. Other mulches gave a mixed response. The mean numbers of nematodes were higher than in previous years and higher than the preplant mean. Nematode populations were largest under mai2e. Pratylenchus sefaensis and P. bracbyurus were the most abundant species. Other commonly occurring gen era included Helicotylenchus and Meloidogyne.

0 2 3 8 Brzeski, M. W. [Ditylencbus dlpsad (Kuhn) in field bean seeds.] Ditylencbus dipsad (Kiihn) w nasionach bobu. Roczniki Nauk Rolniczych, E (1978) 8 (l) 71-74 [PI, en, ru] Inst. Warzywnictwa, Skierniewice, Poland.

Ditylencbus dipsad was found in one sample of field bean, Vicia faba, seeds in Poland. This population reproduces also on pea, onion, parsley and celeriac

Fortu ner,

Diseases of the winged bean in Irory CoasL Plant Disease Reporter (1979) 63 (3) 194-199 [En] Nematology Dep., Office de la Recherche Scientifiąue et Techniaue, Outre-Mer (ORSTOM), BP V-51, Abidjan, Ivory CoasL

The incidence of nematodes and other pathogens on winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) in the Ivory Coast was investigated. In JuJy 1977 a field plot had a smali Pratylenchus bracbyurus infestation but no Meloidogyne infestation. By the following November the roots were galłed and by January 1978 they were heavily infested by Meloidogyne spp. resulting in an estimated 50% loss of tu bers. Preliminary experiments suggested that carbofuran (5g/plant) might control the nematodeT

* o 2 4 0 Green, C. D. Aggregated distribution of Ditylencbus dipsad on broad bean seeds. Annals of Applied Biology (1979) 92 (2) 271-274 [En] National Ycgetable Res. Sta., Wellesboume, Warwick, UK.

The distribution of Ditylencbus dipsad between seeds in infested samples of broad bean [Vida faba) seed was skewed 50 that the nematodes were concentrated on a few seeds. Such aggregation inereases the likelihood of reproduction by H' the nematodes in infested plants and the consequent


0 2 3 6 ZirakpaRvar, M. E. Population changes of Pratylenchus bezlndsus aa influenced by Chemicals in fibrous and coarse roots of corn. Plant Disease Reporter (1979) 63 (I) 55-58 [En] Dep. of Bot. and Plant Path., Iowa State Univ., Ames 50011, USA.

In field and glasshouse experiments the numbers of Pratylenchus hexincisus/g dry root of maize were larger in


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