02 8 3 Catibog. C. S.; CaSTILLO, M. B. Pathogenidty of Meloidogyne jar a nic a on Mung bean (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) Philippine Agriculturist (1975) 59 (5/6) 189-195 [En]

Seedlings of Phaseolus aureus, aseptically inoculated with 122

Helicotylenchus dihystera. Pratylenchus brachyurus. P- zeae, Parotrichodorus minor and Xiphinema radicicola wcrc obscned in    whitc clover    pastures in south-eastern

Queensland.    Australia in    1974-75.    Some nematode

populations and clover decline wcrc signiftcanily rcduccd aftcr phcnamiphos application.

0 2 76 Danske Landboforeningers Froforsyning; F>ellesforeningen for Danmarks Brugsforeninger [34tb report of work done at Boclshpj and St. Lundgórd.] (1971) 55pp. pa]

In addition to thc details givcn below, tabulatcd data and reports arc prescntcd for trials and othcr invcstigations of vaneties oi\d brceding materiał of field peas and beans, beetroot, fodder bcet and herbage legumes and grasses. [Sec olso PBA 42, 1780-84].

0 2 77 Alfalfa. Crops and Soils (1977) 29 (6) 20 [En] Field Crops Lab., West Beltsville, Md. USA. From Plam Brceding Abstracts 47, 9517.

Two lucerne varieties for breeding purposes are described. WDS3P1. derived from Vemal, and W1S1P1 are resistant to Dityłenchus dipsaci and other pathogens.

02 7 8 TERENT‘eva, T. G. (Harmfulness of Heterodera on Lucerne in the Krasnodar Territory.) Byulleten Vscsoyuznogo Nauchno-lssledoyjtefskogo Instituia Źashchity Rastcnii f J976) No. 39, 58-60 [Ru, en]

The relation between yield losses in lucerne and difTerent population densities of Heterodera sp. were srudied. In the Krasnodar Territory of the USSR, the critical population density above which losses became unacceptable was 800 larvae/100 cm1 soil.

0 27 9 Burton, G. W.; Hanna. W. W. Performance of mutants induced in sterile triploid turf bermudagrass.

Mutation Breeding Newsletter (1977) No. 9, 4 [En] ARS, USDA, Univ. Ga., Coastal Plain Exp. Sta., Tifton, USA. From Plant Breeding Abstracts 47, 9495.

Some irradiation-induced mutants of Cynodon dactylon remained free of root knots causcd by Meloidogyne graminis while others, although infected, showed no reduction in root Or Inn u/#ioht

0 2 80-IRVINE, W. A., 1965. "Interaction of Meloidogyne hapla and Rhizoctonia solani in alfalfa.” Diss. Abstr., 25 (11), 6146.

02 8 1 MESSIAEN. C. M.; GlNOUX, J. P.; JaCQUA, G. [The selection of a French runner bean with resistance to root knot nematodes in Guadeloupe.] Selection en Guadeloupe d*un haricof ramę resistant aux nematodes a galles. Nouvelles Maraicheres et Vivriercs de 1’INRA aux Antilles (1974) No. 9, 36-38 (Fr, en] Sta. de Path. Vegetale, Inst. National de la Recherche Agronomique, Petit Bourg, Guadeloupe, West Indies. From Plant Breeding Abstracts 47, 9991.

02 8 2 Norton, D. C. Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus as a patbogen on com, and its densities on corn and soybcan. Iowa State Journal of Research (1977) 51 (3) 279-285 [En] Dep. Bot. and Plant Path., Iowa State Univ., Ames, USA. From Plant Breeding Abstracts 47, 10123.

Ten maize and 18 soybean lines were examined 84 to 90 days after inoculation with Helicotylenchus pseudorobustus. B73 maize and Harosoy soybean were most resistant as regards numbers of nematodes recovered per pot of soil and nematode reproduction.

5, 15. 25 and 50 egg masses of Meloidogyne jaianica. died one month afier infection. thc extcnt of root galling inereasing with nematode level$. An inerease in root and reduction in top and yield weighis were correlated to inereasing inoculum leicls. with high nemafode counts in soil and root samples indicating the high susceptibility of the crop to M. javanica. Inoculations of less than 50 eggs had no pathogenic resułts.

*0284 YEaTES, G. W.; ROSS, D. J.; BridgeR, B. A.; Visser. T. A. Influence of the nematodes Heterodera trifolii and Meloidogyne hapla on nitrogen fixation by white clover under glasshouse conditions. New Zealand Journal of Agricultural Research (1977) 20 (3) 401-413 [En] Soil Bureau, DSIR, P.B., Lower Hutt, New Zealand.

Whcn Trifolium repens grown in Egmont brown loam or Kokotau silt loam under varying phosphorus and nitrogen regimes in a glasshouse were inoculated with cysts of Heterodera trifolii and Meloidogyne hapla, the N-fixing capacity of the plants was adversely afTected, herbage dry matter yields, plant nitrogen content and plant nitrogen yield all being rcduced. In Egmont brown loam H. trifolii had a greater cffcct than M. hapla and simultaneous nematode inoculation gave resułts cqualling those of H. trifolii on its own. In Egmont loam root weights and rhizobia numbers were reduced under all nematode treatments and pot experiments showed a significant correlation between nematode numbers and rhizobia numbers.

*0286 Tin Sein; Kaung Zan Ufra disease spread by water flow. International Rice Research Newsletter (1977) 2 (2) 5 [En] Agric. Res. Inst., Rangoon. Burma.

Wild rice (Oryza perennis), O. meyeriana, Leersia hexandra and voluntecr rice plants were found to be sources of Dityłenchus angustus in Irrawaddy Delta, Burma. Nemafode dispersał along water currents was demonstrated by placing healthy plants up and down stream of a group of diseased plants grown in a canal bcd. Downstrcam plants only were infected within 3 to 4 weeks. Control of weeds and volunteer rice. prevention of river overflow by dikes and clean cultriation and carly roguing of diseased plants are suggested as control measures.

02 8 6 Bunt. J. A.; Noordink. J. P. w. Autoradiographic studies with [,4C] oxamyl in Vicia faba infested with Pratylenchus penetrans. [29th Int. Symp. Fytofarm. en Fytiat., Gent, 1977, Decl. II.]. Mededelingen van de Faculteit Landbouwwetenschappen Rijksuniversiteit Gent (1977) 42 (2. Pt. 2) 1549-1558 [En, nl) Lab. of Nematology, Agric. Univ. Res. Inst. for Plant Protcction, Wageningen. The Nctherlands.

When ,4C-labelled oxamyl was applied to Vicia faba leaves it was translocated both acropetally and basipetally. Pratylenchus penetrarft isolated from roots of plants whose Ieaves had been treated showed only weak radioactivity. Radioactivity was found in the rhizosphere of treated plants.

0 28 7 Grandison, G. S. Root-knot and stem nematodes of lucerne. In Proceedings of the 29th New Zealand Weed and Pest Control Conference, 3-5 August,    1976,

Christchurch. Hamilton, New Zealand. (1976) 31-34 (En) Entomol. Division, DSIR, Auckland, New Zealand.

Oxamyl, phenamiphos and carbofuran broadcast at 9 kg/ ha to a stand of lucerne infected with Meloidogyne hapla significantly inereased yield over ethoprophos, chlorobromopropanc treatments and Controls. The lucerne variety Nevada Synthetic XX showed resistance to M. hapla. Oxamyl and phenamiphos broadcast at 8 kg/ha to a stand of lucerne infected with Dityłenchus dipsaci each reduced the nematode population within the plant. No foliar necrosis was caused by phenamiphos and plants grew out of the slight chlorosis caused by oxamyl. There was no effect upon yield cxcept that TCA at 35 kg/ha reduced yield by causing severe chlorosis.

02 8 8 Britain. Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries AND Food. Stem eelworm on clover. Adrisory Leaflet.


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