Organ manifestations of shock.
Tissue hypoxia. ischcmia. reperfusion and lissue mctabolism.
Pathogenesis of coronaiy insufficiency. Risk factors.
Pathomechanism and consequences of acute myocardial infarction.
Mechanisms and conscquenccs of chronię ischemic heart discasc.
Regulation of cerebral circulation in health and disease.
Cerebral hypoxia, ischemia. slroke.
Characteristics and disorders of splanchnic blood flow.
Pulmonaiy circulation. pulmonary hypertension.
General pathopln siology and classification of systemie hypertension - age and blood pressure.
Role of the kidneys in the development of hypertension. Effects of hypertension on the kidneys.
Hypertension and the adrenal gland.
Primaiy hypertension: characteristics and etiological factors.
Consequences of hypertension.
Orthostatic hypotcnsion in the young and the elderly.
Active heterotopic abnormalitics (premature beats).
Passire heterotopy: causes. forms and consequences.
Supraventricular and a-v junctional blocks.
Forms and importance of intraventricular conduction abnormalities.
Pre-excitation sy ndromes.
Forms and consequences of paro.\ysmal tachycardia.
Signs of chronic or acute overload in the ECG (hypertrophy. strain).
Primaiy and secondaiy repolarization abnonnalities in the ECG.
ECG in acute myocardial infarction.
Atrial or ventricular flutter. atrial or ventricular fibrillation.
Principles/evaluation of respiratory function tests. Characteristics and parameters of abnormal breatliing mechanics.
Disorders of the control of breatliing. Age-dependent changes. Sleep-apnea syndrome.
The work of breathing. Abnormalities of elastic resistance, restrictive disorders.
Aheolar hypoventilation: causes and consequences.
Acute and chronic alveolar hypenentilation.
Ventilation-perfusion mismalch (V/Q): causes and consequences.
Disorders of alveolo-capillaiy diffusion. Hepatopulmonaiy syndrome.
Disorders of oxygen transport (abnomial hemoglobin. CO-poisoning. methemoglobinemia).
Forms and mechanisms of hypoxia. Ways of compensation - cyanosis.
Causes and consequences of inereased airway resistance - causes and consequences of chronic obstruclhe pulmonary disease (COPD) -emphysema.
Partial orcomplete respiratory' failure.
Fonns, generał pathophy siology and consequences of anemia.
Aplastic anemia and anemias of complcx etiolog)' in disease States.
Defrciency anemias.
Hemolytic anemias.
Polycythemias. polyglobulias.
Blecding abnormalitics duc to platclct or vascular factors.
Congenital and acquired coagulopathies.
Thrombosis: causes and consequences.