0 147 IBRAHIM. I. K. A.; Rezk. M. A. Pathogenicity ol Meloidogyne jatunica and certain fungi on corn. Alesandńa 107

Soil populations of Longidorus breviannulatus on 4th-year maize peaked ui July. Numbers of XJphinema amcńcanum and Pratylenchus scńbncń reached a maximum in August or September and populations of Hoplolaimus galcatus also pcaked in September. Root populations of P. scńbncń and H. galcatus were most dense in August. At thc end of the scason L. brcviannulatus was concentrated at a soil deptb of 16 to 30 cm, H. galcatus and P. scńbncri at 0 to 15 cm and X. amcńcanum was evenly distributed throughout thc 2 horizons

0143 Bunt, J. A. Effect and mude of action of tbe nemadcidc etbopropbos. [31st Int. Symp. Fytofarm. cn Fytiat., Gcnt, 1979. Dec! !.]. Mcdcddingcn van dc Facultcit Landbouwwctcnscbappcn RJjksunivcrsitcit Gcnt (1979) 44 (1, Pt. I) 357-366 (En, nJ] Lab. of Nematol., Agric. Univ., Wageningen, The Netherlands.

The resulta tre presented of laboratory and giasshouae tata to compare the cflects and modę of acdoo of ethopropboa and ozamyl on Ditylcnchus dipsad and Pratylcnchus penetrans. The ability of D. dipsad to penetratę Hem aections of Vida laba was inhibited to approximately the same eatent by the 2 cbemicab and tbe reactions of tbe nematodes in vitno were mmilar. D. dipsad larvae immereed for several weeks in osamyl reooverea wben transferred to water but did not recover from immersion in ethoprophos.' After 4 days of esposure in osamyl Solutions at bigh conoentrations tbe nematodes recovered in water, but recovered only from Iow conoentrations of ethoprophos. Eaperiments using drench treatments of the 2 Chemicals on maize plants infested with Pratylcnchus penctrans and on tomato infested with D. dipsad suggest that ethoprophos acts as a local systemie as well as a contact nematicide.

0 14 4 Sinch, I.; BINDRa, O. S. Effect of carbofuran as seed treotment and granular soil creatment alone and in combioation on nematodes associated with maize. Indian Journal of hlematology (1978. publ. 1979) 8 (1) 89-91 [En] Dep. of Plant Pach., Punjab Agric. Univ.t Ludhiana, Punjab, India.

In a maize field experiment carbofuran as a seed treatment or as a granular soil treatment alone or in combination reduced Tylcnchorhynchus populations. Lowesi numbers were observed with treatments of 10% a.i. on the seed 20 and 35 days after germination and. after 65 days, with 10% a.i. on the seed plus 3.0 kg a.i./ha soil treatments. Numbers of saprozoic nematodes were also reduced. The Iowest numbers were recorded with the 10% a.i. on seed treatment after 20 days and with the 10% a.i. on seed plus 3.0 kg a.i./ha soil treatment after 95 days.

0 14 5 Brjtajn, Plant Breeding Instjtute Annual report 1977 [II]. Cambridge, UK;. (1978) 168 pp. [En] From Plant Breeding Abstracts 49, 9844, 9845, 9846.

Work reported on includes resistance to Ditylcnchus dipsad in luceme and in red clover [Tńfolium pratensc].

0 146 Rje2K, M. A.; IbraHIM, I. K. A. Suirey study on piani parasidc nematodes associating with corn and rice in Egypt. Aiexandria Journal of AgricuJturaJ Research (1978) 26 (l) 215-222 (En, ar] Dep. of Plant Path., Fac. of Agric., Alexandria Univ., Egypt.

From a totai of 733 samples cołlected from the rhizosphere of maize and rice plants in Egypt 18 and 15 genera of nematodes, respectively, were isolated. The most prevalent genera, occurring in 53 to 86% of samples, were Aphelencboidcs.    Meloidogyne,    Pratylcnchus and

Tylcnchorhynchus. Aphclenchoides, Aphdcnchus, Cńconemoides, Ditylcnchus. Longidorus, Tricbodorus, Tylcnchus and Xiphincma on rice were new records for Egypt.

Journal of Agńcultural Research (1978) 26 (2) 441-446 [En, ar] Dep. of Plant Path., Fac. of Agric., Aiexandria Univ., Egypt.

In pot experiments 19 maize cultivars, hybrids and strains were tested for resistance to Meloidogyne javanica. The strain Jelli cross was highly resistant whereas the double hybrid 17A and cultivars Giza 249 and Giza 251 were suscepiible. Inoculation with M. javanica plus Fusanum moniliform. F. solani, Rhizoctonia solani or Sclcrotium bataticola decreased the growth of the hybrid 17A morę than infection wiih nematode or fungus alone.

0 148 DUNBJER, M. W.; PaLMER. T. P.; ELLIS, T. J.; Burnett, P. A. The effect of stem nematode infestatioo on prnductmty and persistence of lucerne culthars. In Prttcccdings of the 32nd Arew Zealand Wccd and Pest Cent roi Confcrrnce. Duncdin, 1-9 August 1979. Pałmerston North. New Zcaland. (1979) 195-198 [En] Crop Res. Div., DS1R, Christchurch, New Zealand.

A field irial was conducted to assess plant monality and production losses of resistant and suscepiible cultivars of luceme (Mcaicaco sativa) due to stem nematode (Ditylcnchus dipsuci) in the presence of bacterial wili (Comyebactcńum insidiosum). Only cultivars resistant to stera nematode and bacterial wili gave high yields and maintained adequate plant numbers in mfected plots. Cultivars suscepiible to eilher or both cJiscascs had reduced yields and sufTered high plant mortality. Cv. ‘Gladiator* which had been described as resistant or tolerant to stem nematode was suscepiible in this trial.


of papers presented at the Nematology Symposium held at Bhubane.swar, Orissa, India, March, 1979. Indian Journal of Nematology (1979) 9 (1) 53-89 (En]

Mahapatra, S. N.; Das. S. N. Host-range and pathogenicity of Tylcnchorhynchus mashhoodi 5iddiqi and Basir, 1959 on maize iZea mays). 64 (En] Orissa Univ. of Agric. & Technology, Bhubaneswar 751003, India.

0 150 YoustF, G. M. Histnlogical responses of foiir leguminous crops infected with Meloidogyne incognita. Journal of Ncmatology (19*79) U (4) 395-401 [En] Nematol. Res. Centre, Fac. of Agric., Cairo Univ., Giza, Egypt.

The histologicat responses to Meloidogyne incognita infection were invcstigated in Rhizobium nodules of Tńfolium alc.Kjndńnum, Vicia tabu, Lupinus termis and Pisum sativum. The nematodes were found in the vicinity of the vascnhr bundles. Giani cells consisting of thickened unbroken wails, dense cytoplasm and clusters of nuclei were present within the vascular strands. These cells did not prevent dcvelopment of nodular tissues. Gall size and giant celi wali thickness was greatest in V. faba and least in T. alcsandńnum. Nematodes interfered with the symbiotic relationship between leguminous p)anis and Rhizobium by disrupting the nodules vascular connection with the root stele.

015 1 KOSTYUK, N. A.    [Tbe influence of tbe

physiological condition of the plant bost on the stem Dematode cultured on lucerne calluses.] Trudy Od mim ologich eskof La bora toni (Gd'minty zhJvotnykh j rastenii) (1979) 29, 70-75 [Ru]

The motility, esogenic nutrition, development and multiplication of Ditylenchus dipsad (onion race) maintained on young luceme callus or on passaged callus (obiained by propagating smaU sections of young callus) over a period of several months and also in variants using additional minera] supplements were compared. The results showed a close relationship between the physiological condition of the host tissue and that of the nematode. The highest aciivity of D. dipsad was observed on young. slrongly growing callus, suggesłing a close link between the oxidative processes of tbe bost and the actiriiy of the parasite.


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