Criconematidae)." Revta Agric., S. Paulo 38 (1), 21-22. lEnglish aummary p.22.)

Crlconemoldes oma tum, from the roots of małże    łnfeateH    with Pratylenchua

brachyurua, ls reported from 2 dlstricts of Sao Paulo^ Brazll.

0732L0WNSBERY, B.P, & MITCHELL, J.T., 1965. "Sorae effects of Chemical amendments and cultural condltlons on populatlon levels of Xlphlnema americamim." PI. Dis. Reptr, 49 <121, *94-9951

6 of 8 fertilizer or insectlcide treat-ment8 uaed in soil culture of luceme were not toxic to Xlphlnema amerlcanum paraait-izlng thia plant. Most of these materiale were harmful to the nematode in vitro. X. amerlcanum reached greater numbers in a ground bed than it reached concurrently in 15 cm. clay pot3 in a temperaturę control box. Fluctuation in 8oil raolsture, believed to be inimlcal to thia nematode, was less pronounced in the ground bed than in the clay pot8.

0733 MINTON, N.A., DONNELLY, E.D. & SHEPHERD, R.L., 1966. ,TReaction of Vlcla faba and P5 hybrida from V. satlva x V. anguatifolia to five root-knot nematoHe specles.'1 Hiytopathology, 56 (1), 102-107.

Green-houae pathogenicity te8ta indicated that in the interapecific cross the female parent, Alabama 1894, was highly resiatant and the. małe parent, P.I. 121275, was 8uaceptible to Meloldogyne Incognlta, M. Incognlta acrita" and n. javanlca. 28 ltnes of Vlcla aatlya type from the Inter-specific cross were highly resiatant to the 3 nematodea, aa was Warrior (V. aatlya). Aubum woolypod (V. dasycarjja), l»alry vetch (V. ylllosa), bigflower vetch (V. angustlfolla), and 8 P, lines of the V. angustlfolla type from3 the interapecifTc cro88 ranged from alightly resiatant to highly suaceptible to the 3 nematodes. Realstance to M. arenaria and M. hopla was Iow in all plant8 tested; however, there were indlcationa that P.I. 121275, "wild" narrow-leaved vetch, Warrior, bigflower vetch, and several V. 8atlva and V. angustlfolla type F- lfnea wre all segre-gating for realstance. Penetration studies indicated that fewer larvae of M. incognlta acrita entered roots of Warrior, a resia-tant variety, than entered roota of Aubum woolypod, a suaceptible varlety. His to-pathologlcal studies further Indicated that nematode development w aa greatly retarded in Warrior becauseof lack of root tiasue reaponae neceasary for normal nematode development.

0734-CASTANER, D., 1963. “Nematode popu-lations in córa plots rcceiving different soil amendments.” Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 70, 107-113.

The size of the nematode population in Zca mays plots rcceiving manure, łimc or a fertilizer sup-plying N-P-K was compared with that in maize plots not so treated. Greatest numbers of Praty-Urtchus spp. were found in N-P-K-fendized and manured plots, of Helicotylcnchm microlobus in plots in which no N-P-K had been applied and of Xiphincma americanum in limed plots. Seasonal population patterns for the 3 nematodes appeared to be characterized by 2 peaks, one in the early

spnng betore maize was planted and the other in the late summer or autumn related to the growth of maize. Only Pratylenchus spp. appeared to feed endoparasiticaUy in maize roots.

07 35-FUSHTEY, S. G., 1965. “The oat cyst nematode, Hcierodcra avcnat Wollcnwebcr, on córa, Zca mays, in Ontario.” Can. PI. Dis. Surv.f 45 (4), J 05-106.

Obscrvations on field materia] and results of laboraiory experiments indicate that Hcierodcra avenae invades roots of maize and is capable of causing appreriable damage to this crop in the proWnce of Ontario.

07 36-SEINHORST, J. W. 8t SEN, A. K., 1966. “The population densiry of Hetcrodera tńfolii in pastures in the Netherlands and its importance for the growth of whitc clovcr.“ ilcth. J. PI. Patii., 72 (3), 169-183. (Dutch summary p. 182.)

In a pot experiment the tolerance limit of white clovcr seedlings to Hctcrodera tńfolii was 50 e.p.g. of soil. In other pot expcrimcnts H. tńfolii in-crcased to about 1,400 e.p.g. of soil without apparent damage to the growth of white clover. White clover maintained a relative density of almost 20% in a mixturc with Lolium perenne at a density of H. tńfolii of 80 to 200 e.p.g. of soil. Densities of this nematode in 216 samplcs from 74 pastures were mostly betów one e.p.g. of soil and only very seldom higher than 32 c.p g. There was a slightly higher frcąuency of densities over 32 e.p.g. in samples from places with a good stand of white clover than from thosc with a poor stand. The differences between samples from pastures with good and poor stands and between samples from places with and without clovcr were very smali. The freąuency distribution of cysts and eggs in samples from a 4-ycar-old pasrurc with a very good stand of white clover was the same as that in the samples from all other pastures. It is therefore concluded chat the influence of atuck by H. tńfolii on the stand of the white c!over in the sampled pastures was negligible.

0 737MULLINS, D.E. Ring nematode injury to centlpedegra88 lawns and posaible control. Proceedlng8 of the Florlda State Horticul-tural Society (1973 publ. 1974) 86, 438-439. [EnJ IPAS Florlda Cooperatlve Extenalon Servlce, Pensacola, Plorlda, USA.

Of 112 soli samples taken from centlpede graas (Ereaochloa ophluroldes] lawna In Eacambla County,"florlda, iJSA, durlng the 3 years from Aprll 1970, 96 contalned moderate to very high nematode populatlona. In all but 6, ring nematodea [Crlconemoldes 8p.) were dominant. A golf green-type nematlclde lnjector has been modlfled for the application of DBCP to home lawns. Judglng by the turf response, treatment by thia method with 3 gal/acre of 86% DBCP glves better results than the conventional drenchlng method.

»07 38REDDY, D.D.R. Pathogenicity and control of root-knot nematodea (Meloldogyne spp.) infecting chlck pea. Mysore Journal of Agrlcultural Sciences (1975)    9    (3)

434-439 [En] Univ. of Agric. Sci., Hebbal, Bangalore 560024, India.

In glaaahouse experlmenta Cicer arletlmm var. Annegeri-1, lnoculated with 1,000 or 10,000 Meloldogyne Incognlta/plant, exhib-187 lted markedly reduced growth, drying and


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