*50 •


* 50



600 800


Figurę 1

De nart ogram (a), vldeoscan (b) obtalned from the essentiai oil of 5. lavandutHołia, and mass spectra of sępa ret ed chromatographłc banda (1H4)-

In dtc work discussed in this papcr we uscd this approach to charactcrize the essentiai oils of the same five sagę spccies [5). In that way we benefited from good Iow-temperaturc TLC reso-lution of chromatographic hands, avoided the tedious task of scraping the adsorbent from the TLC plates, and eliminated the timc-consuming GC-MS analysis. Ultimately, we obtained mul-tiple fingerprints for each essentiai oil that consist of one densi-togram and several mass spectra, one for each separated chromatographic band. Videoscans of the chromatograms were also obtained. The analytical and chemotaxonomic importance of this approach to investigation of botanical materia! is also discussed.

2 Experimental

2.1 Materials and Reagents

Samples of the five different sagę spccies (Sahia lavandulifolia% S. s laminę a, S. hi ans, S tri/oha, and S. nem oroś a) investigated in this study were collectcd in the Pharmacognosy Garden of

Medical University, Lublin, Poland, in June, 2008. Plant materiał was dried for 40 h at 35 to 40°C in an oven with a foreed air flow. Finally, 50 g of each plant spccies was weighed and pow-dered in a porcelain mortar. Iliree replicates of each sample were processcd in an idcnticaJ way.

Methanol, n-hexane, toluene, and ethyl acetate uscd for TLC were of analytical purity grade and manufactured by POCh (Gliwice, Poland).

2.2 Vapor Distl llotion of Essentiai Olls from SaMa specłes

Dried plant materiał (50 g) was placed in a round-bottomed fiask and 400 mL water was added. Vapor distillation was conducted for 3 h with use of a Deryng apparatus. The procedurę is described in Polish Pharmacopoeia VI |9| and has proved morę effective than traditional solvent extraction and accelerated sol-vent extraction (ASE) for this particular purpose, as document-ed in our comparative study [10|.

Yields of tlić distilled essentiai oils were: 5. lavandulifolia and S. rrilobu, 0.5 ml. per 50 g dried plant materiał (ca. 1%, v/h); S. hians, S. slaminea, and S. nemorosa, 0.05 mL per 50 g dried


Journal of Planar Chromatography 23(2010)4


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