The General AuewMy.
sa o*danu wkk Annex XI paragraph 3, of the Trcacy of Peacc wiih luly, 1947. wbereby the Powtn conccrned have ag/ced to acccpt the recommendation ot the General Asscmbly on the disposal of the former lullan colonies and to takc appropnate measures fot pnog cffect to it,
Hat/ing u ker. notę of the report 1/of the Four Power Commission of lnvesń(!ation, having heard spoketmen of orgamzations representing substintial scctioftt of opin* ion m the tcrritocics conccrned, and having uken into consideration the wishes and welłare of the inhabiunti of the terntories the interesu of peacc and security, tbe vicws of the interested Gosenwncnts and the rclcvaac pconsioru of the Charter,-
C V7i th respect to Es itr e*. recommemdu
1. That a Commission cocmsnng of repccsmtatires of noc morę than fivc Mcabcr States, as foliowi, Borma. Guatemala, Korway, Pakistan and the Union of South Africa, shall be established to ascęrtain morę fully the wtsbes and the best means of proootmg the welfare of the inhabitants of Er wica, to CX*cninc the qucstk>o of the disposal of Entcea and to prepatc a report for the General Asscmbly, together with such proposal or proposals as it may deem appropriate for tbe solution of the problem of Erwca;
2. That in carryingour iis fcsponsibilitkt tbe Com-mission shall asccrtain all (be relevam facts. including written or orał Information frocn tbe present administer-mg Power, from rcprcsenucires of the population of tbe territory, including minoriries, from Go^enwnems and from such organiutions and indmduals as it may deem necessary. In particular, the Commission shall takc into account:
(a) The wńhes and welfare of the inhabitants of Er itrea, including the vicws of the var ioos racial, rcligious and pohtica) groups of the provmrcs of the territory and the capadty of the peopte for sclf-govcrnmcnt;
(b) The intereses of peace and security in East Africa;
(c) The righis and daims of Ethiopia based on geographical, hutorkal, cthnic or eeonomic reasoos, in* cludinę in particular Ethiopia** Irgitwiute nred for ade-qu*te accest to the sea;
i That m cofuidetmg it* proposals the Commis-sion shall ule into account the var»ous >uggest>oos for the disposal of Erkrca submitted duriog the fourih regu* lar session of the General Asscmbly.
4. That the Commission shall ancmble at ttie Headąuartm of the United Nations as soon as possible.
It shall travcl to Eritrei and may visit soch 4*her places as in its judgment may be nccesuo* in carrying out its responsibilities. The Commission shall ićopt tu own rules of procedurę, lis report and proposal or proposals shall be communicatcd to the Secrctary-General not later * than 15 June 1950 for dńtnbution to Membcr Sutce so •s to enabłe finał consideration doring the fifth regular session of the General Asscmbly. The Interim Committcc of the General Asscmbly shaM cootidcr the report and proposal or proposab of the Commission and repon, with coochisions, to the fihh regular session of the General Asscmbły*.
D. Wifh respect to the above protMonr.
1. hrntes ibc Secrctao -General to request the nec-estary faetlities from the compereitt auihorine\ of each of the Suto in whose territory it may be necessary for the Commission for Eritrea to mcet cr travel;
2. Authoriiei iht Secretary-General, in accordanct with estabUbed praaices,
(a) To arrange for the payment of an appropriate remuneration to the Uimcd Naboru Commtssioner in Libya;
(b) To reimburse the craYcIling and expenscs of the members of the Couodi for Libya. of one repcesencativf fi om each Ccwemmcnt represenerd oo the Adrisory Council for Somaliland, and of one repie* sentaitYC and one aUetnate from each Gorcmment rep-tesented on the Coowoissioo for Eriuea;
(c) To aisign to the United Nations Commissioiser in Libya. to the Adviaory Council for Somaliland. and to the United Nations Commission for Eritrea such staff and to providc such facilities as the Secreury^icocral may consider necessary to carry out the terms of the present rcsolution.
Lcifcr of trammittal
Genen, S June 1950 Sir,
The United Nations Commission for Erirrei hat the honour 10 corornunicJtc to you herc with its report in accordance wich scction C. paragraph 4, of crtoluiion 2S9 A (IV). whieb proyiJe* that the report of tbe Com-mtssion shall bc communicaced to the Sec retary-General noc later than 15 June 1950 for dmribotion to Mcmhcr State*.
We hav* the honour to be. Sir, Your obcd.ent Set •
(Sig"łd) Aimg KKlNE(Birrmj)
Carlos GARdA BAUER (Guj/emoti]
Er ling QVaLI (No/uwy)
Mian ZlAUD-DlN(Fafaira#r) *
F. H. TMERON (Union of South Africa)
Petrus J. SCHMIDT cFrutapal Sccreury)
Mr. Trygve Lic Seci era ry-General United Nations Lakę Succcss New York, USA
Chapter I
Htstoncal baćkground, establishment and organization of the United Nations Cocnmiision for Eritrea
Seetion I. Hiiioricat Introduction
Ul 5ubmiss»on of tbe quescion of Eritrea to the United Naciom
1. Aniele 10 of tbe Condirions of Armistke signed by Italy on 3 Septembec 1943 pro*ided that the Córo-msnder-in-Chief of che AMied Forces "will esublish Al-lied military government over such partt of Italian territory as he may deem necessary in the military inter-esrs of the Allied nations*. The admmiurarion of Eritrea which had bccn ocaiptcd in 1941 by the Allied armed fotees was undertakeft by the Brirish, fint thrnugh the Occupicd Enemy Tcrritories* Adminiiir Jtion
and larer through the Foreign Offke Adrotnistration of African Tcrritorics.
2. Under the terms of the agrccmmc establishmg the Coupcil of Foreign Minister* adopted ac the Berlin Conference of 17 July-24 August 1945, it was agreed at ihc Moscow Confcrcncc of 16-27 DcCrmber 1945 that the terms of the Trcaty of Peacc with Italy would bc drahed by the Foreign Miotam of the United Kingdom. the United States of America, the Sovict Union and. France.
At a mecting in Paris. che Counci) of Foreign Minister* adopned, oo 3 July 1946, a draft article on the former liJnn colonies and a draft joint tkclaracion by the Four rewers, which, in conformiry with decisions taken at the Paris Confcrcncc of 29 July-15 October J 946. bccamc cespectń ely article 23 and annejc XI. of the Treaty of Peacc *.vith Italy.
* Atucie 2}
"1. hal) rcnounces all right and title to the Iulian territonal pottciiions in Africa. t.e., Libya. Eritrea and Italun Somaliland.
*2. Pending their fuul dtspoial. the said posses-moiu shall cootinue under their present admimstra-tion.
*3. The fmal disposal of these posseisions shall be determinrd |oinrly by the Govemments of the Soviet Union, of the United Kmgdom, of tbe United States of America, and of France wiihin one ycar horo the coming into lotce of tbe present Treary, in the tnanner Uad down in the joint deebration of 10 February 1947, tssued by che said Gtnemmcnts, which is reproduced in anncx XI.
mA**ex XI
"1. The Govemments of the Union of $ovict So-cialist Rrpubtics. of the United Kingdom of Grcat* Bntain and Northern lreland, of the United States of America, and of France agrec that they will, wńhin one ytar from the Corning into fotce of the Treaty of Peacc with Italy bearing rhe datę of 10 February 1947, jointly determme the finał disposal of Italy'* terricorial possesstom m Africa, co which. in accofdance with article 23 of the Treaty, Italy rcnounces all right and dtlc.
Documco: 4