*2. The rwał di*puvil of thc tcrntorir* iiooccrwJ and ihc ąpffopriuc ifanww of their boutsdarics shall bc mądc by Ae Four Power* in the Kfbi of the wiArs anJ welfare of thc inhabiuru* and thc interes et o/ pea.c and security, u king into consideration the news of other interesteJ Gorerruncnfi.

*3. lf with respta to any of these tcrritońes thc Four Pounen are uruble to agree upon their dispoul within one year frotn the coming into /orce of the Treaty of Pcacc with Italy, the mat ter shall be rc-ferred to thc General Assembly ot the United Kation* for a recommmdarioo. and the Four Power* agree to accept the 'ecommendation and to take appropriate measures for pvingeffcct to it.

*4. The Deputics of the Foreign Minister* shall continue the considcratioci of the ąuescion oi the ditposal of thc former Italian colonie* vrith a dew to-subm;mng to the Coundl of Foreign Mimtcert their recommendauoci* on thh matter. They shall aho *end out cormmssions of invtsiigat»on ro any of * the former Italian colonie* in order to supply the Dcputie* wiA the nr cena ry da u on chi* ąuestion and to asccitain che view* of the local population*.

4.    The period of one ycar, referred to in paragraph 3 of the aborc foint declaration. began to run from 15 September 1947* in accordance wiA aniele 90 o( the Treaty of Prace.

5.    On 3 Octobcr 1947, Ae Deptacie* of thc Foreign Minister* took up thc ąuettion of the disposa) of the former colonie* in accordance with paragraph 4 of inno XI of thc Treaty of Pcacc. It was decidcd that an imtsti-gicion on the spot by rtprt*cmativc* of the Four Power* u ould be carried out in thc threc former Italian colonie*. The Four-Power Commission of lnvestiganon for the former łubin colonie* suycd m Ericrea from 12 Novcm-ber 1947 to 3 January 194$ and it* report is dated 31 August 194$. h was aho agreed to rceognke as "intcr-ested Govemmentt", for thc purpose* of paragraph 2 of annex XI of the Treaty of Pcacc, the Go*em«nents of thc orher Altied and Associated Power* having signed the Treaty of Prace with luly, mc lud mg both India and Pakistan, and aho the Governmems of Italy and Egypt. It was furtber decidcd thar interested Government* should submii their vicw* to the Deputie* to be studied between the time the Commission kft and thc recetpc of U* report. Ninctccn Governmencs were thus invited in thc capaciry of "incerestcd Govcrnmrois".

4. In the report of the Dcputie* of the four Foreign Minister* to the Coca cii dated l September 1941,1/ and in accordance with the vicw* held by thc four Gortm-ment* at that rime, which hast been modified sińce, France propoicd that *with thc exccption of the territo-ric< utuatrJ between the Guli of Żula and Frmch So-maliland, Eritrca should be pUcd undcT the tru*:ecsh»p of Italy" and chat "the terricorics situated between the GuU of Żula a-d Frcnch Somaltland should bc assigned to Ethiopu in fuli *ovcreigncy". The Sonet Union recom-mendcd placing thc former Italian colony of Eritrea "under the trusteesbip of Italy for a dcńnke acccptable term*. The United Ktngdom proposed that "Ethiopia should be appomted to be Administenng AuAonty in Eritrea for a period of »en year*"—aft cr whkh "the General Assembly of the United Kation* wouid decide whether, and if to under what conditions, Ethiopian admininration should continue itadefinitely*. Thete should be set up an advisory council with the right to suspend any legislation on ccnain resentd subjecu imro-duced by the Ethiopian Adminiuration and a specu 1 Ehttean commission of the United Nańons to which the advisory council and the Ethiopian Adrmnisfration would report from time to time: thts commission would bc 9uite drttina either from the Trusteeship Council or che Trusteesbip Committcc of the General Assembly. The United State* of Amerka proposed that "the southem section of-Eritrea (induding the Danakil coast, and the distrins of Akkele Guiai and-Scrac..)" be cedcd to Ethiopu, and that the Fotcign Minister* recommend tq the General Assembly of che United Ninom that the ąuestion of the diiposidon of "the rcmainder of Eritrea. that ts, che nonhem and ptedomituntly Mosiem portion induding Asmara and Ma ssaw j, be posrponed for one year*.

7. While the Soviet Union rccommendcd that, in Ar case of all three former Itaban colonie*, the " front krs which cristed on I January 1934, fuccd in accordance with trriries and agreements in fotce at chat time eon-duded between thc interested Govemmeno concemed" should be mainuincd, the United Kingdocn, che United State* of America and France recommended that "the frootkr between thc terruorie* assigned to Ethiopia and Frcnch Somaiiland should folfow che coursc of the Wada Weima*.

•    8. Upon thc expiry of the period set an Mfiec XI of

thc Treaty of Peace with Italy, the Council of Foreign Minister* hid not rcachcd any agrcement.

Ib) The que*tion of Eritrea at the third and fouith

regular sessiom of the General Assembly of the

United Kation*

9. On 15 September 1948, thc Gownmcnu of France, thc United Kingdom, thc United States of Amcr-

1/ D*w«ncm^f.MJlVL'4SAC/:02 of *r CmcU ot Tort** Mm-•urrs tCkpat.nl.

ica and thc Union ot Sosiet Socialist KepuWics addret«ed the foUowmg communkation ro the Secrrr.i/>*-General ot thc United Xatioov* 2/

•Paris. 15 September 194$

"On rbc instructinns of the Governmen«s o i the United States of Amerka. France, the Unktd Kingdom of Great Bfitiin and Nonbcrn Ireland and of the Ucuon of Sosńet Socialisc Rcpublics we have Ae honour to inform %o« that in appbcation of attkle 23 and paragraph 5 of annex XI of the Treaty of Peace with Italy, the qucs<ion of the disposal of the former Itaban cokmics is referred to thc General Assembly in order that, in confonnky with ies ruJcs of procedurę, the General Asscmbh may examinc Ais ąuescion ducing the session which i* to open on 21 September".

10.    The ąuestion of the dtsposil of the former Itatiin colonie* wis considcrcd at the second pan of the third regular session by the First Commirtee which. on 13 May 1949, by 34 votc* to 14, wiA 7 abstentions, 3f decidcd co recommend the adoption by the General As-setnbly of a resolution provi<bng i«trer alu that Entrca, r.tcept lor Ae Western Province, be incorporated into Ethiopia. 4/ Howcver, Ae General Assembly, by 37 votea to 14, wiA 7 abstencions, rejccted the draft resolution 5and decidcd co poupone funher consideration of the ąuestion of the dńposal of Ae former Itaban colonie* uruil it* fourth regular session, it

11.    Ac Ae fourth regular setsion, thc First Com-mictee appotneed Su b-Com min cc 17 for the purpose of studying al! Aaft* and suggestions and to propose a draft resolution or draft resolution* ro scttlc the que*rion of thc former Julian cotonics. 7/ Due to Ac fact that the avail-able kiforciaoon on Eritrea was considrred imuffkicnc by sevtral deJegatioas, Sub-Commiitce 17 recommended Ae esubbshmenc of a United Nations Ccmmisi on for Eritrea. 8/ On the report of thts Sub-Commirtec, the First Committcc recommended che adoption by che General Assembly of three resolution*, of which resolution A, section C, approved by the First Com* mince by 47 votes to 5, wiA 4 abstentions, 9/ pio-*ided for thc establishment of chi* Commission. Resolution A as a whole which dealt with all three former Italian colonie* was adopted by 49 rotes to 1. with 8 abstencions. lOf

12.    Section C ofthis resolution,concerning Eritrea, Wal adopeed by the General Assembly on 21 November 1949 by 47 votc* to 5, wiA 4 abstentions, 11/ and resolurion A a* a whole was adopted by 48 sroce* to 1, wiA 9 abstentions. 12/ This resolution was gisren Ae numhcr 289 A (IV).

Cr' Tcrcns ot RcferetKc of the United Nation> Comm>-sion in: Eritrea

13. Seakm C ol resolution 289(IV) rcad* a* foi-


"Witt respect ro Errtrcj, [thc General Attcmbły] rteommendi: *1. That a Commission consisting of repre-sentative* of not morę than fivc Membcr Sraies, as follows: hurma. Guaceroala, Norway, Pakistan and thc Union of South Afrka. shall be establćAed co asccniin morę fully Ae wishe* and the best means of promoring Ae wełfare of the inhabionts ot Eritrei, to cxaminc che ąuestion of thc disposal o Eritrea and ro preparc a report for the General Assembly. together wiA such propoul or pr oposaJs a* it may deem appropriate for the sohxion of Ac problem of Entrea;

"2. That in carrying out k* rcsponsibilióes Ąe . Commission shall asrertain all ch« relceint fact*. induding wricten or ocal informac.on from Ae pce-sem adminUtering Power, from representames of che population of Ac terrkoey. induding mmoekie*. from GoYcmmems and from*such organa tadoos arsd inAsiduals at it may deem necessary. In pirtieubr, the Commission shall takc into aceount:

(a) The wishe* and welfart of thc śtAabiuncs of Eritrea, induding che vicwi of the tarious radal.

2/ A/i4S<OAfccu/ft*c*/Ap/afc#rWu*MO'ia/iWG«vrv.»M«»f«i-Wy, Fan U Fkisacy Metuisgi, Anncict to thc aumnury merdt ot ernou, pj*rt MMJOi

V    Offrut! Ktmda ofit>ł iturduiw ofth< Gnttji AormNy. fi*

//. Firn Ccumucf. lunurury re<or4i mettk*i. pagf 3*4.

** Coucetiur* the *ocn on dtf tinout pau*/»?>«. parafrapH 3 CeabAf w oh Lnufi wti »o*ed %po« m rwo pim. The pan r< forint co the 4apout ot tiimi enrpc foe «h* KPrtum    w$t adopted

h idkaD. hjr 31 r«fi co k wnh 15 ahuenuoiu. The pan parafraph 3 4cak»g wch ihr d<ipoial ot ihc Vcwm Fronrwr vat •fjfOfd by roU-caU, by 19 roera ao U, with 21 abumóoni iOffióitt Rnerdt ef Me tśmd utuo* ofik G***r*t Artembły. t#t li, F*u • CoMimrr. iwwy rccordi ot mrrtir.p, pogn 393-3941.

5/ Fara£fj*h3dfjta(»«hDwrjh»4b«<i»aloF<rdbr37»o«r«io 11, wicia 10 abttrne>ons (Officuł Aetoeds ćf rt* łbtrj $ntio* of tśe Gmerai nueoiWy, T*ń tl, Fkeary Mcróngt, lumnurr i«orCi of ■uttlngi. pagci S93-594)

4/ Offio* Krtotdi cf+tt^rduumo/tlrt Crwr*l At^mŁły tsrl It, Fknary Mectiagi, wiwuit rtw^i ot meeunp. page 401.

7/ A/C 1/4** (O/Tioa/ Rnordi ofibr /o*rrk utuc* ofiJt* Gettjl AurmtJy, Fint    aortrart ro che tummiry morda of

metctngi. pagr 24h

V    A/C1/522 IGOM Aeeaedi oftkr^h utocm o/ikC^*' Aumk/, Fmc Camwnft, Aanmi io tkt monufy mordf of meetinga. pagr 25h

9/ AflOtf łO'/W Aeeordf c4 ibt /o#nh ieu#*« o/ a*e Cre»a' Artemidy, FWóry Mettmgt, Aa.wn to thr luwrury moedt ot mrrungi. pagr SI).

10/ IML

11/ O/fWiW RetoiJi    retro* of+t Gemeut Artemidy.

Fknary Mcctr^t. iumoo mordi of meeimgi. pagr 301 12/ IM

Documcnt 4



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