Metoda cienia i cyfrowej korelacji plamki do analizy mechanizmów zniszczenia implantów i elementów konstrukcyjnych w stomatologii

Shadow and digital speckle correlation methods for analysis of the destruction mechanisms of the implants and structural elements for dentistry

'Barylyak Adriana,2'3 Bobitski Yaroslav, 4Voroniak Taras, 4Muravski Leonid, 5'6Uhryn Myron

'Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Danylo Halytskyy Lviv National Medical University,Pekarska str.69, 79000, Lviv, Ukrainę,

"Dept.of Mechatronics and Automatics University of Rzeszów, Rejtana str, 16a, Rzeszów, Poland 3 Dept. of Photonics Lviv Politechnic National University,

St. Bandery str, 12,79013, Lviv, Ukrainę

4Karpenko Physico-Mechanical Institute NASU , Naukova str.5, 79000, Lviv, Ukrainę

5Department of Prostetic Dentistry, Danylo Halytskyy Lviv National Medical University, Pekarska str.69, 79000, Lviv, Ukrainę,

6Center of Dental Implantation and Prostetic Dentistry (MM),

Pasichna str,36A, 79038, Lviv, Ukrainę Ema il: bobitski @ polynet. lviv.ua


The assessment of stability of dentistry implants reąuires the study of their deformation properties. Determining their critical loads leading to plastic deformations with the highest local tensions could be a significant deformation criterion.

Designing of the shadow method to determine a critical slope angle for an implant, as well as designing of the digital speckle-correlation method to build shift fields distribution on the entire implant surface during the local loads.

A series of studies of temporary titanium alloy implants was conducted with the use of experimental equipment based on the optical scheme of implant shadow image formation, as well as the optical-digital scheme of speckle-images formations. The obtained speckle-images were processed with the aim to build the deformations and shift fields. Also, shadow images of implant contours were analyzed.

The zones of maximal local implant deformations were determined. It was demonstrated that the sharp change of the direction of field shifts is observed in these zones, while the place of the shift from one direction to another is identified with the zonę of maximal plastic deformations. It is exactly in this zonę where the implant destruction takes place. On the basis of obtained images the shadow method enables to assess the implant slope angle during the local load.

The digital speckle-correlation method is morę effective than the shadow method sińce it allows determining the distribution of shift fields and deformations of the implant surface, as well as assessing the zones of maximal plastic deformations and the most probable implant destruction areas.


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