Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie Wydawnictwo SAN — ISSN 1733-2486 tom XIV, zeszyt 9, ss. 9-24
Społeczna Akademia Nauk
Abstract: The study area of HRM is very wide and interdisciplinary, it covers the pro-blems of organization and management theory as well as: social psychology, socio-logy and education. The emergence of the subdiscipline of HRM, however, puts the cognitive challenges associated with the adoption of the basie methodological as-sumptions. How to classify the theories and research methods drawn from different disciplines? There are many accepted typologies of human resource management concepts that refer to the history and practice of this subdiscipline. This article pre-sents a proposition of understanding human resources management in the organi-zational discourse from the different point of reference in the form of paradigms of social Sciences.
Key-words: HRM, paradigms, cognitive orrientations, fuctionalism.
Human resource management is a management science, but uses a broad per-spective of the social Sciences, particularly those exhibiting behavioral orien-tation, such as psychology, sociology and economics. The study area of HRM is very wide and interdisciplinary, it covers the problems of organization and management theory (management, personnel strategy, organizational culture), as well as: social psychology (motivation, secondary socialization), sociology (identification, power, communication) and education (education, upbrin-ging). Human resource management is characterized by a relatively strong pro-fessional identity because researchers are a second large group that indentifies with HR, they implement and test theoretical constructs in organizations. The emergence of the subdiscipline, however, puts the cognitive challenges as-