Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie Wydawnictwo SAN - ISSN 1733-2486 tom XV, zeszyt 6, część III, ss. 19-30

Tadeusz P. Tkaczyk Społeczna Akademia Nauk

Faith in the authorities rnakes that authorities' errors are assumed to be patterns.

Leo Tolstoy

The Issue of Coherence of Law and Economics in Public Management

Abstract: In the primitive community there was already a social division of labour and intertribal exchange requiring trust. Trust was supported by the tradition of ancestors, god’s law and threat of armed conflict. This coherence occurred both through evolution and revolution. Currently, there is also coherence of national and International lawcorresponding to the level of globalisation and European integration process. This problem should be seen at all levels of modern management -local national and international togetherwith appropriate public institutions. The problem is, that so far it is difficult to achieve this coherence and lack of it may be both a development factor or its inhibitor. Uncritical implementation of e.g. legał norms from different socio-economic conditions causes both disregard of the law, as well as a variety of losses. The assumed propaganda, party or individual effect of some undertaken “modern Solutions” and negligence may have unexpected outcomes. Of course, it does not mean only losses, but also advantages related to new Solutions initiating moving from sometimes archaic customs, apprehension of “new”, traditions. But they should be properly prepared and promoted'. At the same time technological 1 E.g. replacement of sickle by scythe, industrialisation, shift work system, agromini-mum, introduction of „numbers" in the post Office and then in other institutions.


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