Przedsiębiorczość i Zarządzanie Wydawnictwo SAN - ISSN 1733-2486 tom XV, zeszyt 6, część III, ss. 7-17
Jan K. Solarz
Społeczna Akademia Nauk
Abstract: The paper focuses on the use of biography methods in humanistic management. The paper draws upon an emergent field within the demography, finance research, that focuses attention on biography themselves as important in population-making practices. The new concept has tumed attention to the ways in which biography research methods can be utilized to understand everyday experiences through embodied by biography ofgenerations. Biography themselves is focused upon as dynamie, place-making practices foregrounding movement, interactivity and the role-pay.
First, there are analysis of family and household interaction. Then the concept of fiscal biography is implemented to statistical data on population of Poland. Second, the concept of financial biography is used to analysis of public administration. In conclusion the author presented some policy implications of financial biography concept.
Key words: biography, humanistic management, public administration.
Humanistyczne zarządzanie to takie, które zgodnie z łacińskim źród-łosłowem stawia w centrum uwagi personę, jednostkę, która podejmuje decyzje, które mają służyć dobru innych ludzi i nie traktuje innych ludzi instrumentalnie. „It is time to speak out against manipulated, planed