Environ Monit Assess (2017)189:49    Pagcllofl3 49

labie 5 Conccntratioas (mg L

1) of hydrocarbons beforc and after the strain growth

Hydrocarboas //-alkancs and gasolinc

Initial £.«guobacterium aurantiacum concentration strain NB 11_3 A

Yibrio alginob ticus PB-WC 11099

Halomonas ven usta strain NYS

Dietzia sp. CNJ898 PLG4



21.23 ±01.18

7.07 ± 00.24

8.60 ±00.16

11.47 ±00.16



6.53 ± 00.89

4.43 ± 00.16

11.35 ±01.16

5.20 ±00.32



9.53 ±00.52

3.76 ± 00.05

3.12 ±00.39

5.60 ±00.56



3.48 * 00.60

5.13 ±00.16

7.25 ±00.12

5.93 ±00.41



9.00 ±00.16

13.66 ± 00.27

10.00 ±00.16

7.93 ±00.08

grow in the presence of hydrocarbons, but with a different kinetic growth, suggesting that they are able to use these molecules as a source of carbon and energy. In addition. nitrogen and phosphate input accelerate the growth of the studied strains. The tested strains appeared to be very active, in which the best results of biodegradation were obtained with V. alginolyticus PB-11099 WC. These bacteria could thus be used for bioremediation to tlght against marinę oil pollution.


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^ Springer


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