9.    The report of the Budget and Finance Sub-Committee which had been submitted by the Chairman, Dr. D'Appolonia, and circulated with the Agenda was briefly introduced by Dr. Koenig and Dr. Meigh who explained that the report had not been discussed by the members of the Committee, although a draft had been circulated to them with comments invited.

It was appreciated that the Sub-Committee were endeavouring to keep to a minimum the dues of members by proposing alternative methods of raising funds, but there was generał criticism of the additional load which the report suggested should be imposed on those (and especially the smali countries) prepared to carry the already considerable burden of running an International or a Regional Conference.

Various recommendations in the report were considered separately.

First, with regard to Regional Conferences it was confirmed that in accordance with By-Law 21 it was most desirable that the Regional Vice-President should be present at the Regional Conference with which he is concerned and it was recommended that his travel and living expenses to do this should be met by the Organising Committee. If he is prevented from being present then his place should be taken by one of the other Officers of the International Society chosen by the Organising Committee and his expenses similarly met.

For an International Conference it was similarly agreed that the travel and living expenses of the President and the Secretary General in attending the Conference should be met by the Organising Committee.

Professor Taylor moved a motion that "a country as part of its commitment in hosting a Regional Conference shall place a surcharge on the sale of the Proceedings amounting to 10% of the published price of all proceedings sold, including those to participants.    The proceeds of the

surcharge shall be madę payable to the ISSMFE. Surcharges obtained from this source should be paid at the same time as the annual dues. "

The motion was seconded by Prof. Jennings and on a vote being taken was rejected by 20 to 10.

The proposal that the method of assessing dues be related to the geotechnical activity in a country (eg by means of the construction turnover) was presented by Dr. Meigh.

Dr. Chetyrkin considered that a morę eąuitable system would be to have a fiat ratę per member plus a variable sum for each National Society using a sliding scalę as had been done in Moscow.

Prof. de Mello suggested that about 30% of the annual budget should be raised by a fixed fee per member, the remaining 70% being raised by a variable sum per National Society depending upon the ability of the country to pay. This was seconded by Prof. Zeitlen and Dr. Meigh was asked to bring in proposals at a later stage of the meeting.

10.    Prof. de Mello proposed and Prof. Za-Chieh Moh seconded that By-Law 19 should be amended as follows:-

9.    Le Dr.Koenig et le Dr.Meigh pr£sentent le rapport de la Canrlssion du budget et des finances (soumis par son President, le Dr.d'Appolonia, et diffusś avec 1'ordre du jour); ils precisent que ce rapport n'a pas fait 1'objet d'une discussion par les monhres de la Cammission, bien qu'une minutę eQt śtś diffusee avec danande de conmentaires.

Bien que consciente des efforts de la Carmission visant a reduire au maxirnum le montant des cotisations en proposant d'autres methodes de financement, la Reunion dans son ensemble desapprouve la charge supplonentaire qui, selon le rapport, serait imposde & ceux (notanment, les petites nations) qui acceptent d'assuner la charge, d§ja considerable, de 1'organisation d'une Conference Internationale ou Regionale.

On examine sśparement diffśrentes reoorrmandations du rapport.

Pronidronent, au sujet des Conferences Rśgionales, on oonfirme, en accord avec 1'article 21 des Statuts, qu'il serait trds souhaitable que le Vice-Pr£sident Regionale assiste 2 la Conference Regionale corresponoante.

On reocmrande que ses frais de voyage et de sśjour soient pris en charge par le Canite oranisateur.

Dans le cas de 1'impossibilitś de la prśsence du Vice-Pr£sident, il serait remplac£ par un des responsables de la Societe Internationale, choisi par le Ccmite organisateur, qui en assumerait £galenent les frais.

Pour une Confśrence Internationale, on prśconise egalonent que les frais de voyage et de sdjour du Prśsident et du Secrćtaire General pour assister a la Confśrence soient pris en charge par le Canite organisateur.

Le Pr.Taylor soumet la motion suivante:    "Un pays

qui accueille une Conference Rdgionale doit appliąuer, au prix de vente du ccmpte-rendu de la Conference, un supplenent de 10% du prix affich§ payable par tout acheteur, y canpris les participants. La sannę qui resuitę de ce supplśment sera vers£e a la S3MSF en m&ne tanps que les cotisations annuelles".

Appuyee par le Pr.Jennings, cette motion est rejet£e lors du scrutin par 20 voix contrę 10.

Le Dr.Meigh propose que le calcul du montant des cotisations tienne ccnpte de 1'ensonble des activit£s gśotechniąues de chaąue pays (par exenple, en se basant sur le chiffre d'affaires de 1'Industrie de la construction).

Le Dr.Chetyrkin estime plus eąuitable un tarif fixe pour chaąue menhre canplśtś par une sannę variable pour chaąue Sociśte Nationale estimśe suivant un tarif dćgressif (oonme cela a £t£ fait a Moscou).

Le Pr.de Mello propose que 30% environ du budget annuel provienne du tarif uniąue pour chaąue manbre, le solde oorrespondant £ la sannę variable pour chaąue Socidtś Nationale, cette sorrme śtant d£termin£e selon les ressources de chaąue pays. Cette proposition est appuyee par le Pr.Zeitlen. On danande au Dr.Meigh de presenter des propositions chiffrees plus tard au aours de la Reunion.

10. La modification suivante, a apporter a l'article 19 des statuts est proposee par le Pr.de Mello et appuy§e par le Pr.Za-Chieh Moh: -



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