national conferences held in Mexico City 1969 and Moscow 1973*

In 197*ł the Swedish Geotechnical Society organised a European Symposium on Pen-etration Testing (ESOPT). At this symposium the topie "Standardization and futurę coop-eration" was discussed. The results of these discussions were presented in the proceed-ings ESOPT, Vol 2:1, p 53-55* It was pointed out that the standardization of penetration eąuipment and of test procedures is not only desirable but also necessary and that only a smali number of penetrometers should be standardized. The suggestion was madę that all national geotechnical societies should be encouraged to set up national committees on penetration testing and appoint contact members with the European Subcommittee in order to enlarge the base for the work on standardization.

At the ISSMFE Executive Committee meeting in Istanbul in 1973 the Subcommittee was en-larged to nine members: in Stockholm, Sweden, in November 1976 for finał discussions of the report and recommen-dations of the Subcommittee.


Several attempts have been madę during the years 1957-1976 to standardize different penetration testing methods. However, the proposals of the Subcommittee in 1968 have not found wide acceptance except in the countries where the proposed methods had previously been used. Numerous field and laboratory investigations have been performed in different countries during this period, as can be seen from the proceedings of the International Conferences on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering. However, it is often not possible to compare the results from the different investigations due to differences in the penetration testing methods which have been used.

FRG (chairman) Sweden Switzerland FRG






H Zweck B Broms A von Moos E Schultze C van der Veen E de Beer Y Trofimenkov S Rodin G Stefanoff

The Subcommittee on Standardization of Penetration Testing in Europę therefore rec-ommends that papers to international conferences or journals presenting results from penetration tests should also include results from at least one of the recommended standard penetration testing methods, so that the test data can be compared directly to other tests of the same kind.

E de Beer B Broms S Rodin B Broms

The enlarged Subcommittee had its first meeting in Ghent, Belgium, in August 1975.

Dr F Baguelin, France, was invited to this meeting as an additional member. U Bergdahl, Sweden, was appointed secretary of the Subcommittee.

At this meeting it was decided to develop proposals for the standardization of the following four tests:

Static sounding Dynamie sounding Standard Penetration Test Weight sounding

Four working groups were appointed with the following persons as chairmen: (Static sounding)

(Dynamie sounding)

(Standard Penetration Test) (Weight sounding)

The second meeting of the enlarged European Subcommittee was held in The Hague, Holland, in June 1976. At this meeting about ^0 del-egates from 15 European countries discussed the proposals presented by the four working groups. Recommendations for the revision of the proposals were agreed, with the object of presenting them in a finał report to the Executive Committee before the Ninth International Conference in Tokyo, 1977.

The Subcommittee also recommends that the proposed standards should be published both in English and French as a separate publi-cation.

It is also suggested that the work of the Subcommittee should be continued and that a conference or a symposium on penetration testing should be arranged in 1979 or 1980 where experiences from the different European countries can be presented and desirable modifications of the recommeded standards can be discussed.


Many different penetrometers are used at present all over the world, viz:

Static sounding

Dynamie sounding

Standard Penetration Test (SPT)

Weight soundings

Four standard tests are proposed. These are based on existing test methods. The recommended standards specify not only the main dimensions of the different penetrometers and the test procedures but also details, such as the roughness of the cone, that can influence the test results. The recommended standard tests are:

Cone penetration test (CPT)

A third meeting of the Subcommittee was held



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