
“* Europo


DOI: 10.1002/CSSC201500305 I Cover Profile

Titania-Supported Catalysts for Levulinic Acid Hydrogenation: Influence of Support and its Impact on y-Valerolactone Yield

Ot A. M Ruf**:    Or. i Giro O U.    J.U*Q*Mdutfcl K OiX>,'Ja D.N.Ktfi*? Or. P S*s.a (Lyon)

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lod/ L-nNersIfy of Icdinolotfr l6&Ur*«4y& ^derfogy. PcOrd

5 mai. i<r«iei2toiUppor?S>piocb^

kwited for thts month's covcr are the groups Ir om Lodź University of Technology (Poland), from the Umversity of Stras bourg (France) and fram the Unrversrty of Lyon (France). The image shows which titania phasc can facState the distribution of ruthenium metal on its surface and, hence, vA\ids factors aMow to prepare actrve catalysts for biomass vak>rizatk>n. The FoH Paper itsclf ts available at 10.1002/cssc2014033 32.

Wbof mokes this project soccćssfuj?

The suctess of on work was possible tharks fc> tfu? excettent team understanding. frurtful dtscussions in enthusiastk atmos-phere and to the passion of each groi© member in the re-search concerning cata^is.

What prompted you to rtoBze this work in coBoboradon? By combin-ng the strength of collaborathre groups in dtflercrt research fiekH we we*? abk? to devełop ennoval/ve taiored cataJysts for biomasa valorizaton. We decided k> a>mb;ne the expeńence of the Strasbousg group in the pieparation of tta-ni^based materials wrth the proficien<y of the Poftsh gro^s :.n

rf*1    >■ ł iAf* «*v<    nf wfr>iifv a(

the in terać. t»on between metali* particie* and an oride sup-port Their main tod H guantum cherrólry,even if these meth-ods are not exphcitły used in thćs paper.

The group from Stasbouę studies materiah and archrtec-tuies for photocatalysis. photoconversion, and low-tempea-tuie catałyais. appHed in environmental readiona. Bfe science, and renewaWe energy.

We thank Jhe Watfond Science Cenfrr. Patond, far lupporting thii #ork unctei the grant NN 209 7S 33 40. PS. is thankJki/ for the uppart of the Pahnkn project 'Oie-pof GH. productżon


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