H. Maruszczak, M. Wilgat

In the years 1976-1985 they constituted as much as 36% of the total solute yield, which on average amounted to 65 t km-2y-1 in the Vistula river basin in that period. Fifty years before, i.e. in the 30’s, the percentage of "synthetic" substances was many times lower; it most likely did not exceed 10% of the total solute yield which was estimated at about 35 t km-2}'-1.

4. A great increase in environment pollution, especially that of the atmo-sphere, in the last decade probably also contributed to the increase in the Chemical denudation of the lithosphere, because "acid rain" causes increased aggressiveness of waters percolating soils and their bedrocks. Estimated calculations allow us to suggest that in the 30’s the index of Chemical denudation in the Vistula river basin was 27-28 t km-2y-1. An analogous index calculated for the years 1976-1985 was 30 t km- 2y_1. It can, therefore, be suggested that it is now a measure of not completely natural, Chemical denudation of the lithosphere.


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