Lekcja 18 Równowaga między pracą a życiem prywatnym

30.7.2014 Lekcja 18: Równowaga między pracą a życiem prywatnym
Lekcja 18: Równowaga między pracą a
życiem prywatnym
Mówi się, że za młodu mamy mnóstwo czasu, ale mało pieniędzy, z kolei już jako dorośli, zwykle mamy środki
finansowe, jednak obowiązki związane z pracą nie pozwalają nam w pełni ich wykorzystać i się cieszyć życiem.
Jak nie dać się stereotypom i ustalić stan równowagi między życiem zawodowym a życiem prywatnym?
As the popular wisdom goes, when we are young, we have plenty of time but little money, while as adults, we usually
have the financial means, but our work-related duties do not allow us to fully exploit them and enjoy life. How to
disprove this stereotypes and establish a solid balance between professional and private life?
Our job, even if we don't overtime (which is nowadays sometimes considered a privilege), usually enters into conflict
with our private zone, namely our free time, family, hobbies and - last but not least - health. It is often so because
those two fields overlap due to no clear boundaries limiting them. Thus, we bring home not only the company phone
or laptop, work-related documents, but also work-related problems that result in continuous stress and strain. So
how should we proceed in order to minimise that risk?
First of all, you must have a clear vision of what you actually want. What would your perfect life look like? Once you
have this basis, you may build on it in order to achieve your goals and modify various aspects of your life and lifestyle
accordingly. So, if you work - focus on working, but in your free time enjoy yourself to the fullest and let no thoughts
about work disturb you. As they say, give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's, and switch off your
business phone (or, better still, don't take it from work in the first place), forget about checking business emails or
reviewing job documents - this can wait till working hours, right? And if you are on vacation, make the above your iron
principle. After all, no one is irreplaceable, just have fun and relax. If you want a rationale for that, think how much
more energy you will have after coming back to work!
The common threat of overlapping domains is that you can't clearly see what belongs where. That's why it's worth to
make an effort to make a detailed list of instances that actually are a part of your work time, and which are yet by no
means within your working hours. Take a moment to examine the last few months or at least weeks and see how
much time you truly dedicated to work - be sure to include both official and unofficial overtime, skipping the lunch
break in order to deal with urgent job matters, tasks you did after work because your boss "exceptionally" asked you to
do, replying to emails from clients who wrote you in the evening, but "who were too important to wait", any company
meetings and the time you had to spent to get to the venue, etc.
Try to be honest with yourself. If more than 75% of your time, apart from sleeping, is related to work - beware, and be
warned that you it's high time for you to introduce more balance into your life.
Tekst pochodzi z portalu Gazeta.pl - www.gazeta.pl © Agora SA
http://gazetapraca.pl/gazetapraca/2029020,136051,16284312.html 1/1


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