Also ask lor a demonntratton ol the Sony all tran*i*torized pocketable and portable radio*.

a TV designed for fhe executive

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Men who respond to time’s lmperatives—executives who must have news as it breaks . . . must be upfront on new entertainment or video messages... these are the alert decision-makers to whom a SONY 8-301W TELEVISION is vital, a standard desk accessory!

They appreciate its elear, distinct ZVzH picture; its compact desktop size. its easy portability, its fine audio. They take for granted the superb, all-transistor electronic engineering; its adaptability to AC current. rechargeable batteries or car battery operation. They respect the mighty, though tiny, differences that make SONY 8-301W the world s finest personal TV portable. The perfect executive gift, SONY TV is also available for lncentive Programs. Weighs only 13ł/4 Ibs., (without battery). 8'/i" x 7" x 9".

Price, including earphone and carrying case—$249.95; optional battery—$29.95 Priees alightly higher in Southern <!• Western States.

SONY CORPORATION OF AMERICA 514 Broadway, New York 12, N.Y.


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