Official Banquet in the Kongresshaus, Zurich, 21st August 1953 Banąuet officiel au Kongresshaus Zurich, 21 aout 1953

Dr. P. Meierhans, Councillor to the Cantonal Government briefly welcomcd the Confcrence Mcmbers and then gave the floor to Professor Skempton.

Dr. A. W. Skempton, in an entertaining manner described the way in which the Prcsident, Prof. Terzaghi, had persuaded him to make a speech at this Banąuet, and then went on to say on behalf of the Members of the Conference how grateful they were for the kind hospitability of the City and Canton of Zurich and for the generous help given by the other Cantons and commercial firms. Dr. Skempton also paid a tribute to the fine work of the Organizing Committee, under Prof. Meyer-Peter, and of the Ladies Committee. In mentioning some of the outstanding features of the Conference Dr. Skempton spoke particularly of the very fine Congress Hall in which the meetings had been held, and of the untiring efforts of Dr. von Moos to make everyone enjoy to the utmost their stay in Zurich. He ended his speech by saying how glad were all the Members to see Prof. Haefeli with them at this occasion and to wish him a speedy recovery from his recent illness.

Address dclivered by Professor A. Casagrande, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When an eminent scientist arrives at the age of seventy, it is customary to honor him by the publication of a book in which his disciples compete with each other for the honor of being considered as the successor of the old master. Two important obstacles presented themselve$ against following this time-honored custom: First, the best contributions which the world had to offer have been submitted to this Congress and it would have been unfair to deprive it of the cream by publishing in this year a separate volume in honor of Professor Terzaghi. Second, and morę importantly, we have fortunately not yet reached the time when Karl Terzaghi should be honorcd in a manner which implies that he has reached the end of this Professional life work. Thcreforc, the International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering has, instead, decided to honor the 70th year of his birth by presenting him with a beautiful watch which bears this inscription:


International Society of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering—Zurich 1953

This is not an ordinary wrist watch. In the first place, it is one of the finest products of the skills of the country that has invited us and has treated so very hospitably the large number of us who have come from all over the world.

Second, it is of solid gold, as a symbol of the sincerity and depth of feeling with which we wish to express our appreciation and affection. Third, it shows not only the time but also the datę of the month. This should be helpful to Professor Terzaghi during his adventurous travels all over the world, should he at times lose track of the datę. And fourth, this watch is self-winding and its mechanism can be compared to that of an ordinary watch like the comparison of the working of the mind of a genius to that of an ordinary mind.

While thus referring to the working of Professor Terzaghi’s mind, permit me to recall a remark I madę two weeks ago while travelling in other countries in Europę. A colleague asked me which of Professor Tcrzaghi’s characteristics I considered principally responsiblc for the success and cmincnce that he has achieved. I replied that I considered it the combination of two talents which one finds only very rarely combined in one man: first the ąualifications which we find in successful natural scientists including geologists, namely, great ability and love for the observation of naturę; and second, the analytical mind of the type which makes a great physicist. In his address on Monday, Professor Terzaghi expressed perhaps the same idea, but much simpler, by referring to himself as an experi-menting gcologist. In the same address Professor Terzaghi listed the ąualifications which are reąuired for the successful application of soil mechanics, namely, common sense, a keen gift of observation, and the morał courage to face hazards.

I have been very fortunate in having known Professor Terzaghi for morę than 27 years and I have had the opportunity to observe that these characteristics are all deve!oped in him



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