No. U29
Karch 21*th 19U.
Moseow, MarcŁ 24th, 191*1+. A meeting convened by the Union of rolish Patriota in thc
U. S.S.R. and the Ali Sław 'Jomittee was held in Moacow Uda evening in honour of the 150th anniversary of the Folish national Liberation upriaing load by Tadeusz Kościuszko. The proceedingp. were broadoast.
The slogans of 150 years ago have not lost their foroe today, sald the first speaker, a captain in the Folish Anny i.i: the U, S.S.R. The uprising of 1792f was a people uprising against tsailet autocracy ano Po li ab traitors. It r> rvea now as an example and symbol of the unity of people figlitirig for freedom, Tadcucz Kościuszko s name raLliea the whole Polish people today, unitin. people of different faiths and politioal vievs. In the uprising were a warshal, a banker, and other high personąges side by aide with workers and pesu-ants. In our days, just as then, the people aro loyal, vdth the exoeption of a handfuL of traitors.
Today as in Tadeusz Kościuszko s days, the pe&sant ^ueation carnot bc solved exoept by demooratic means. Kościuszko orgauised a big ariry, consisting of the people in aras.
The Russian people, by their Kevolution of 1917, overthrew the tsarist auto-oraoy against vjhich Kościuszko fouyht. The historie victories of the Ked Am}? are the guarantee of the liberation of Kuropean peoples, incluóing Poland, froio the German yoke.
Ali people tum today to the Soviet Union. The people at the head of the Sowiet State are people li/'© those for whose leadership Tadeusz Kościuszko fought.
How we oan erplain the London group of traitors vh© seem ready eveu to help Hitler rather than the Polish people? There can be only one answers They are the descendents of Tadeusz Kościuszko a enerni es. History will brand there traitors.
Today we have assembled all representatiwee of the §Lave peoples. For the first time sińce Kościuszko puch unity nas becorne possible.
Long live free, detnocrafclc Foland,
Alexander Gundorow? Chairman of the All 31av Co/rji&ttee.
The history of Polish people sid Lieut.-iłen, Gund.roy, Ohairman of the All Slay Coffimittee, like all Slav people in oeatral ar.d southem Kurope is a history of constant struggle againvinv&ders encroaching on 3lav spił, a heroio story of the struggle of the Slav people for eristence and independenoe.
The history of the lavs is one of ^reat wars wnich fali intc different sectionsj the people suffered froai a dual yoke, frorn their ovm oppressers and foreign invaders.
Only the inner strenyth of these people, their >preat patriotism helped thcia to strucle on for their landa, devastated by" the eneruy, to .aintain their magnificent cultare.
The cruellest, bitterest enemy of ^lav peoples are the Teutonio ir.yadars. The onslaught to the east, deyasta-aon of 31av peoples, has for laany yenre been t e policy