Tertiary Paleogene |
11. Rlverlne nud - banks
12. Natural embanknents /levees/
13. InterfluYial aggradational spurs Flurial - denudational forma
I. Destructional forma due to river erosion and
1* Valley sides cut during the.....
a/ very gently incllned /2 - 4°/ mantled with. waste or solifluotion deposita, now slightly denuded
b/ gently incllned /4 - 9°/ mantled with waste or sollfluctlon deposits, now slightly denuded
c/ Steep /9 - 10°/ mantled with waate under-going degradation or sollfluctlon, now markędly denuded
d/ very steep, partly rocky /19 - 45°/» now intenslYely denuded
e/ precipituous, rocky /45 64°/ now intenslYely denuded
f/ Rocky faces / 65°/ now IntenslYely destro-yed by rook falls
Shades of Grey
Sldee of struotural gapę sunkin ąuartslte
sandstone limestonę dolomlte extrusive rooks
3. Sldea of anteoedent gaps
4. Sldea of eplgenetlo gapa
3. Sldea of gapa formed by headward erosion
6. Sldea cf orerflow gapa
7. Sldea of dry cola /wlnd-gaps/
8. Sldea of lnherlted gapa 9« Cut ofi, stYerea spura
10. Pseudo out-off hllla
11. Eplgenetlc hllls
12. Yalley-spura
13. Punnel-ahaped ralley head
14. Kettle-shaped Yalley head
13. Break oi alopea seperatlng varlous gene-ratlone of Yalleya of differing age
16. Smali ralleya prouuoed ln oooperatlon with sollfluctlon
a/ trougb-llke Yalleya on ateep slopes
b/ Dellen reaulting from the transformatiou of eroslonal Yalleya
o/ Inclpient trougha
17. Smali Yalleys produoed by perlodlo water acting in co-operation with denudatlon
a/ freah loess oanyons, gorgea
b/ raYlnea
c/ old canyona
Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt Neutral tlnt
Neutral tlnt