Paleogene I
7. Terraoeo da* to cryoplanation a/ freah altered
I. Forma due to meltlng out of buriad ice blocks
1. Eettloa
up to 2m. deep
2 - 5m, deep
3 - 10n>. deep morę than 10m. deep
2. Larga baaIna
3. Channals dua to meltlng out of burled loa maascs
4* Groups of kettlaa
U. Forma dua to meltlng out of hydrol&ccolithes
1* Ablation trougha aurrounded by a mound /poot-pingo/
2* Shallow ablation pita Aaolian forma
I. Deatructlonal forma due to wind aroalon
1# Wlnd-ercarated depreaslona /blow-outs/ a/ Btabillaad b/ aooured by wind
2. Wlnd-exoavat*d troughs and basIna with gradienta of.,.,
3. Floora of wlnd-exoavatad troughs and baalne
4. Aeolian oorraalon groorao /flalda/
3. Corraaional realduala
6. Yardang fielda
7. Wlnd-axcavated grooras /fielda/
8. Deflatlon reslduals
9. Slopaa of deflation cresta
10# Mushrooro-rocks
11. Wlnd-pollahed aurfaces
12. Yentifaot fields
13. PlaIna wlth deaert parement a/ Stony
b/ Pea Iron
14. Hollowa left by uprooted treea
13. Gaaai
11. Conatrućtlona1 forma due to aeolian depoaltlon
1. Barębanaa
up to 5m. high 5 — I0m. high 10 - 3Om. high morę than 30n. high
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