


4# Larg# karstlc depreaslons /cock-plts/

1/ due to solutlon b/ due to carem collapse 3# Slak-hole, flelds 6. Laplee, karrenflelda 7# Groups of Jamna 8* Chasms /wlth depth In metres/

9# Chlmney-llke ahafts /wlth depth In metres/ 10, Funnel-ahaped ahafts /wlth depth ln metres/ 11• Natural brldges and care arches/

12* Ponora

a/ Plt ponora b/ Aroh ponora

13.    Carem entrancea at ralley floor lerel

14.    Hanging carem entrancea

Karatic forms reproduced ln unaoluble rock-oorer 1. Swallow-, slnk-holes due to aolutlcn 2• Swallow-, slnk-holes due to collapse 3. Smali karatio depreaalons .II# Forms due to solutlon and water eroslon 1. Slopes of karstlo gorges

wlth gradlents of.....

d&tlng from.....

2# Sldes of bllnd karstlc ralleys 3# Steep terminal walls of bllnd ralleys 4# Corroslon notohes /nlohes/

5. Fiat floc.Ts of central poljes oorered wlth grarel s and elit

wlth rookjr bottom

thln llne /0,3ram./


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e • • • •

6# Fiat floor6 of raarglnal poljes 7. Sldes of poljes

8# Surfaoes due to karat planatlon /see de-atructlonal surfaces/

9# Hanging karatio ralley steps 10# Karstlc gateways 11# Karstlc spurs

12# Segraenta of karatio gorges forraed by collapse of carern roof

13# Mogotes /haystacka/, hums

III# Karstlc forms due to deposltlon of calolum carbonate

1# Trarertlne bars

up to 5m# ln helght 5 - 10 m. ln helght morę thnn 10m# ln helght 2# Trarertlne terraces



•• •• •• •*

thln linę /C,3ram.,


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