

01' outstar/.lins p raili o ma imy soon bu found In accordonco v?ith *hc principles in wholo dofoncc tho pawors on tho aide of freodoiti went to y/or with Fsscism and Hasism.

Ertracta tein n snoecn by G-onornl Marian Kukieł , polis!: ąinistor of pofenoo.

''....... Hi a historie-ul aclilovoinu-ntł; : rui tho dubt of grotitudo wliich vro

Pol i a h soldiera owo him lir his nov or- al ookoning uf fort to rcatoro tho polioh Arracd .porooa, and sil he did ir. tir. i hord, soldioriy way of hi o, hnve assumed oven grcctcr mngnitudo.

Sikor.sld was a foarlo&s soldior. Ho ./as in his olomońt whon he ws fighting. Donger attractedhłn, rnd no offort was tdi grant. Ary loainoss of lnind and hody was

a lian to him#    167

Ko foresewr tho war su eh as it wna te ho on our soil during thoso bloody days of sapteniber 1939*

........As tho c.-in-c* of tlie polish Armad Poroes during tho pregoiyfc YTor, ho

will livo in our memeries not only for his oreativo ond‘r.avcr-Y»*oak©ning offorts, hut al so fur his pa śniona tu and unflinohing bolicf in his poople and in tho soldiors of polana. Hi a holicf was witliout fonr - fides intreoido.

The proud and lcvir.g oyca of uur lato leader rro looking ot you."

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