104 Ruben Atojan
Panoramie Maps
Maps as representations of the earth's surface are constantly developed and improved. Both cartographic projections and perspective representations are results ofeither central orparallel projection ofa fragment ofthe earth’s surface on a piane. The diversity of projections is reflected intheirterminology: representation on a ho-rizontal surface are named maps orterrain models, on a vertical surface -terrain images or panoramas, whereas on an inclined surface - perspective representations.
We can discern three basie branches of study on perspective representations:
•theoretical basis of such representations,
• representing objects in the 3D perspective, •automatiedrawing of perspective representation. The authorwould like to introduce newtechnical and artistic methods of panoramie map design, which are based on the analysis ofthe process of making perspec-tive representations, descriptive geometry and the art of painting. The most important author’s observations can be found in the particular chapters ofthis paper.
The chapter Theoretical basis of projecting the per-spective representations’ contains numerous definitions ofthe perspective, the ways creating a perspective representation using inclined projecting rays, selecting the central points and elements of a perspective drawing. On the basis of size of angle of view, the following three types of perspective representations can be discemed: wide, normal and acute.
The mathematical basis for perspective representations contains descriptions of numerous projections, among which external projections with a positive projection are most commonly used.
Another important factor is a proper representation of a depth ofdrawings, which is accomplished with the use of color effects and painting techniques. To achie-ve a desirable effect the ‘principles of aerial and color perspective’ are to be applied in the first case, whereas the latter requires the use of ‘visual codes ofthe depth’.
The methodical aspects of drawing the perspective views are described in the finał chapter. It also contains a technological scheme of carrying out of the whole process of making such panoramie maps. It can be divided intothe following stages: selection ofthe direc-tion of a particular projection, selection of the skyline height, depth of a drawing, shape of a projection and finally constructing the panoramie view on a base map.
It should be stressed that perspective projections offerbroad opportunitiesforthe makers oftourist maps. The supremacy of panoramie maps over another types of presentations is easily noticeable, as they are: •demonstrative - representation of objects on panoramas are close to their natural shape,
•easily readable - the graphical methods can be understood by virtually everyone,
• it is possible to make different types of such views: posteards, wali maps and albums.
Eventually, it should be added, that in addition to theoretical works on panoramie maps, the author also designed a series of such maps: a spherical panorama of Armenia (1989), Crimea (1990), as well as of panoramie maps of the following cities and towns: Vilnius (1992), St. Petersburg (1994), Mińsk, Kiivand Gdańsk (1995), Malbork and Cracow (1996). Many of these maps were designed in the old-fashioned style.
Translated by M. Okonek
C coBepmeHCTBOBaHneM reorpacjWHecKOM KapTbi B03HMKnn HOBbie, poflCTBeHHbie eń KapTorpatjjMnecKMe m KapronoAoSHbie M3o6pa>xeHWfl MecTHOCTM, KOTopbie nonysaioTca nyTeM qeHTpanHoro nnn napannenbHoro npoeqnpoBaHMfl ynacTKa mccthoctm Ha nnocKOCTb. npw npoeqnpoBaHnn Ha ropM30HTanbHyio nnocKOCTb Mbi HMeeM Aeno c KapTOM unii penbecjjHOM MOAenbio, Ha BepTMKa/ibHyio bmaom - MecTHOCTM mjim naHopaMOii, Ha HaiuiOHHyio - nepcneKTMBOM mccthoctm.
OCHOBHbIMM HanpaBJieHMflMM B M3yHeHMM M P33BMTMM nepcneKTMBHoro M3o6pa>KeHMH hbtihiotch: pa3pa60TKa TeopeTMnecKOM ochobu nepcneKTMBbi, MccneAOBaHMe BOCnpMHTMH ObbeKTOB B TpexMepHOM npocTpaHCTBe, aBTOMaTM3aqMH cnocoboB nocrpoeHMn nepcneKTMBbi.
ABTOpOM CT3TbM npeAnaraiOTCH HOBbie TeXHMHeCKMe m xyAO>xecTBeHHbie npMeMbi b pa3paboTKe KapT-naHopaM Ha ocHOBe a»anw3a nepcneKTMBHoro M3obpa>KeHMn, M3yneHMn MeTOAOB HanepTaTenbHoń reoMeTpMM, TeopMM m npaKTMKM >KMBonMCM. OcHOBHbie HabnioAeHMn m pa3pa6oTKM aBTopa npnseAeHbi b cneAyioiAMX pa3Aenax CTaTbM.
B pa3Aene „TeopeTMsecKMe ochobw nepcneKTMBHoro MaobpajKeHMH” AaiOTca pa3JiMHHbie onpeAeneHMn nepcneKTMBbi, cnocobbi nocTpoeHMa nepcneKTMBbi MecTHOCTM nyTeM npoeqMpoBaHnn HaKnoHHbiMM riynaMM, paccMOTpeHbi y3/iOBbie tohkm m aneMeHTbi nepcneKTMBHoro pMcyHKa. B 33bmcmmoctm ot ropM30HTanbHoro yrna 3peHMH pa3nMnaiOT BMAbi nepcneKTMBHbix M3obpax<eHMM: Banan, HopManbHaa m ocTpan nepcneKTMBbi.
MaTeMaTMKHecKan ocHOBa nepcneKTMBHbix KapT npeACTaBneHa pa3nMHHbiMM npoeKqaMM, cpeAn