Supplementary Figurę 1. Seąuence and structural analysis of VSV G mutants. (A)
Correlation analysis in thermosensitive and thermoresistant G protein mutants by modified quantitative trait locus analysis and summary of amino acid differences between mutants and parental strains Amino acids are numbered according to their position on the maturę protein (B) Total energy and root mean sąuare structural deviation (R M.S.D) from the WT structure of homology based structural model of each mutant. (C) Structural analysis of G protein from a thermosensitive (left) or thermoresistant (right) mutant
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RESULTS Seąuence analysis of VSV G mutants. In order to characterize the potential of VSV G proteinFigurę 1. Viral replication rates of VSV G mutants. L929 cells were infected at an MOI of (A) 0.1 orFigurę 2. Effect of VSV G mutants on cellular transcription rates. L929 cells were infected at an MOFigurę 3. Effect of VSV G mutants on cellular protein synthesis rates. L929 cells were infected at aREIDER PART 101 Chapter 3 Elbow and Forearm 91 Figurę 3-42. A and B, Sensory distribution of the ulREIDER PART 119 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 109 Figurę 4-13. A, B, and C, Radial aspect of the hand. AREIDER PART 121 Chapthr 4_Hand and Wrist 111AB Figurę 4-16. A, B, and C, Palmar aspect of the hand.REIDER PART 125 Chapter 4 Hand and Wrist 115 Figurę 4-20. A, B, and C, Volar aspcct of thc wrist. AREIDER PART 200 260 Chaptf.r 7 Lower Leg, Foot, and Ankle Figurę 7-20. A, B, and C Medial aspect ofProgram studiów 1 semestr » Real and Complex Analysis in Mathematical Modelling »45895 New Forms Taschen 019 art and new expressions of the built form. As in art, there may be no doD. Frątczak THE PRINCIPLES OF FUNCTIONING AND THE TASKS OF THE POLICE AVIATION Summary In the aFigurę 9.32 The isohydric transport of C02 as bicarbonate. (a) Reactions in thc red blood cciicoverbm (Bones and Muscles:JĄn ItfustratedJĄnatomy The Origins and Insert ions of a II the YoluntarySchemat działania pompy Na K Figurę 10.25 Schematic model of the sodium-potassium pump in operatiowięcej podobnych podstron