122. Anna Perkowska, Genowefa Picczonka, Maciej Wiewiórowski
„Further Studics on the Stcrcochcmistry of Spartcinc, its Isomcrs and Dcrivativcs. V. Studics of Mono and Dications of a-Isolupaninc, Lupaninc and Thicr 17/3-Mcthyl Dcrivativcs”
Buli. Ac. Pol.: Chem., 27, 9, 637-654 (1979)
123. M.D. Bratek-Wiewiórowska, U. Rychlcwska, M. Wiewiórowski
„Further investigations on the chcmistry and structurc of angustifdinc and its derivativcs. VI. New cvidcnccs of factor rcsponsiblc for basicity of alphacyanoamincs. Crystal and moleeular structurc of Mcyanomcthylangustifolinc”
J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans II, 1469 (1979)
124. W.J. Krzyzosiak, J. Biernat, J. Ciesiołka, P. Górnicki, M. Wiewiórowski
„Further studics on adcnosinc and cytidinc rcactions with chloroaectaldchyde. A ncw support for the cyclic carbinolaminc structurc of the stablc rcaction intermediate and its rclcvancc to the rcaction mcchanism and tRNA modification”
Polish J. Chem., 53, 243 (1979)
125. W.J. Krzyzosiak, J. Biernat, J. Ciesiołka, P. Górnicki, M. Wiewiórowski „The rcactions of tiouracils and thiouridines with chloroaectaldchyde”
Tetrahedron LetŁ, 28, 2647 (1979)
126. WJ. Krzyzosiak, J. Biernat, J. Ciesiołka, P. Górnicki, M. Wiewiórowski
„Chemical modification of M>///-thrconylcarbonyl/-adcnosinc. II. Condensation of the carbonyl group with amines”
Nudeic Acids Res., 7, 1663 (1979)
127. J. Barciszcwski, A. Joachimiak, A. Rafalski, M. Barciszcwska, T. Twardowski, M. Wiewiórowski „Con$crvation of the structurc of plant transfer ribonuclcic acids and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases” FEBS Letters, 102, 194-197 (1979)
128. A. Joachimiak, M. Barciszcwska, J. Barciszcwski and M. Wiewiórowski
„Application of spcrminc-scpharosc column chromatography to separation of plant specific transfer ribonuclcic acids and aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases”
J. Chromatography, 180, 157-162(1979)
129. M.D. Bratek-Wiewiórowska, U. Rychlcwska, M. Wiewiórowski
„Further invcstigations on the chcmistry and structurc of angustifolinc and its dcrivativcs. VI. Ncw cvidcncc of factors rcsponsiblc for basicity of alphacyanoamincs. Crystal and moleeular structurc of //-cyanomcthylangustifolinc”
J. Chem. Soc. Perkin Trans II, 1469 (1979)
130. Maria Markiewicz, Maciej Wiewiórowski
„Further Studics on the Chcmistiy and Structurc of 7V-Oxidcs of Spartcinc and its Dcrivativcs. X. Compnrativc Studics on the Structurc and Chcmistry of MOxidcs of Spartcinc Lactams. Part A. Synthesis and Properties of /V-oxidcs of: Lupaninc, a-Isolupaninc, 15-Oxospartcinc and l7-Oxo-spartcinc”
Buli. Ac. PoL: Chem., XXVII, 6, 435-446 (1979)
131. M. Wiewiórowski, A. Perkowska
„Further Studics on the Stcrcochcmistry of Spartcinc, its Isomcrs and Dcrivativcs. IX. Synthesis and Structurc of 17/J-Mcthyl-a-isolupaninc and 17/3-Mcthyl-a-isospartcinc. Influence of Mcthyl Substi-tucnts on the Conformation of cis and trans Quinolizidinc Fragments”
Buli. Acad. PoI.rChem., 28, 7/8, 499-510 (1980)