101. Zygmunt Kałuski, Józef Grabarczyk, A. I. Gusicv, Ju. T. Struczkov, Jerzy Skolik, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Further studies on the stcrcochcmistry of spartcinc, its isomers and derivatives. II. Molccular and crystal structurc of 13-tf/p/ia-hydroxylupaninc”
Buli. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. sci. chim., 25, 347-357 (1977)
102. Władysław Boczoń, Genowefa Picczonka, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Further studies on the chcmistry and structurc of A-oxidcs of spartcinc and its dcrivativcs. V. Syn-thesis and structurc of 2-phcnylspartcinc-Ar/16/-oxidc, a ncw casc of „sponge” proton” Tetrahedron, 33, 2565-2570 (1977)
103. Maria Danuta Bratek-Wiewiórowska, Jerzy Skolik, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Further studies on the chcmistry and structurc of A-oxidcs of spartcinc and its dcrivativcs. VI. Syn-thesis and structurc of spartcinc-di-JV-oxidc and salts of spartcinc-cpi-A7l6/-oxidc”
Buli. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. sci. chim., 25, 595-603 (1977)
104. Krystyna Łangowska, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Further studies on the chcmistry and structurc of N-oxidcs of spartcinc and its dcrivativcs. VIII. The thcrmolysis of N-oxidcs of spartcinc catalyzcd by chloridc ions - as a ncw way of synthesis of immo-nium cations of spartcinc”
Buli. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. sci. chim., 25,757-763 (1977)
105. Janina Wolińska-Mocydlarz, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Rcinvcstigation of catalytic hydrogenation of multiflorinc. Uncxpcctcd formation of dchydromulti-florinc”
Buli. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. sci. chim., 25, 679-687 (1977)
106. Krystyna Łangowska, Jerzy Skolik, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Further studies on the stcrcochcmistry of spartcinc and its dcrivativcs. III. Comparativc studies on the structurc of the M16/-mcthylspartcinium cation in quatcrnary iodidc-, bromidc- and pcrchloratc salts”
Buli. Acad. Polon. Sci., Ser. sci. chim., 25, 837-844 (1977)
107. Ryszard W. Adamiak, Ewa Biała, Kazimierz Grześkowiak, Ryszard Kierzek, Adam Kraszewski, Wojciech T. Markiewicz, Jacek Stawiński, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Nuclcosidc 3’-phosphotricstcrs as kcy intermediates for the oligoribonuclcotidc synthesis. IV. Ncw method for rcmoval of 2,2,2-trichlorocthyl group and '‘P NMR, as a ncw tool for analysis of dcbloc-king of intcrnuclcotidc phosphatc protccting groups”
Nucicie Acids Res., 4,2321-2329 (1977)
108. Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Ncw obscrvations on the influence of intramoleeular factors on the stcrcochcmistry of spartcinc dcrivativcs”
Proccedings of the ll,h IUPAC International Symposium on Chemistry of Natural Products -
Goldcn Sands / Vama/Bulgaria7. Symposium Papers, vol. 4, part 2, 236-250 (1978)
109. Władysław Boczoń, Jerzy Skolik, Genowefa Picczonka, Maria Danuta Bratek-Wiewiórowska, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„The geometry and the strength of hydrogen bonds in protonated spartcinc dcrivativcs” Proceedings of the lllh IUPAC International Symposium on Chemistry of Natural Products -Goldcn Sands / Varna/Bulgaria/. Symposium Papers, vol. 2, 243-246 (1978)
110. Jerzy Skolik, Urszula Majchrzak-Kuczyńska, Maciej Wicwiórowski
„Structural invcstigations on complcxcs of spartcinc isomers and dcrivativcs with lithium salts” Proccedings of the li01 IUPAC International Symposium on Chcmistry of Natural Products -Goldcn Sands / Varna/Bulgaria/. Symposium Papers, vol. 2, 25-27 (1978)