Hill, David Jayne, 1850-1932.

Present problems in forcign policy / by David Jayne Hill.

New York ; and London : D. Appleton and Company, 1919. xii, 360 p.

.4 microfiche Order no. ILM-4448

Hill, John Gray, Sir.

Paper on empłoyers, cmployccs and accidents : read at the Guildhall on August 3rd, 1910, at a confcrcncc of the International Law Association / by Sir John Gray Hill.

London : R. Flint, 1910.

16 p.

1    microfiche Order no. ILM-4732

Hoijer, Olof.

Lc pacte dc la Socićtć des Nations : commcntairc thćoricjue et praticjuc / par Olof Hoijer; prćfacc dc M. Andre Weiss.

Paris : "Editions Spes", 1926.

[vii]-xvi, 520 p.

6 microfiche Order no. ILM-4449

Holland, Thomas Erskine, Sir, 1835-1926. Lctters to "The Times" upon war and neutrality (1881-1909): with sonie commentary / by Thomas Erskine Holland. London ; New York : Longmans. Grccn. 1909. xi, 166 p.

2    microfiche Order no. ILM-4771

Holt, Hamilton, 1872-1951.

Amcrica's supremę opportunity : an "open sermon" to President Franklin D. Roosevelt / by Hamilton Holt.

Winter Park, Fla.: Angel Allcy Press, 1935. 29 p.

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4280

Hornung, Joseph-Marc.

Resume des cours dc droit public et dc droit jnlernational profcssćs a l'Universitć de Gencvc / par M. Ic professeur Hornung ; imprime sur lc manuscrit du professeur & avcc son autorisation pour 1'usage des ćtudiants en droit.

Genćvc : H. Georg, Libr. dc L'Universitć, 1878

44 lcavcs.

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4282

Horvath, Jeno, 1881-1950.

A Nćpszóvctsćg cddigi miikódćse 1920-1921 / irta Horv&th Jeno.

Budapcst: Magyar kulugyi tarsasag kiadasa, 1922.

18 p.

(Magy. kulugyi tarsasftg kiadv&nyai. Nćpszóvetsćgi oszt&ly; 3)

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4461

Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886-American coópcration with the Lcaguc of Nations / by Manley 0.1 ludson.

Boston : World Pcacc Foundation, 1924.

26 p.

(World Pcace Foundation. Pamphlcts ; v.7 no.l, 1924 )

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4450

Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886-Thecodification of intcrnational law through the Lcaguc of Nations / by Manley O. Hudson.

(New York : Intcrnational Law Association, 1923].

8 P

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4451

Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886-

Thc front door to the League of Nations : an

address / Manley O. Hudson.

(Philadclphia : s.n., 1923]

18 p.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-4452

Hudson, Manley Ottmer, 1886-

The sixth birthday of the Lcaguc of Nations /

by Manley O. Hudson.

[S I.: s.n., 1926]

10 p.

1 microfiche Order no. 1LM-4453

llitch, Mihailo.

Considćrations gćnćralcs sur la Socićtć des Nations et son droit / par Mihailo llitch.

Paris : .louvc & Cic, 1919.

29l.|71 P 4 microfiche Order no. ILM-4454

Indagini etimologiche : dci dottori Pappafava. Pollizzotti ed altri sulla parola "notaro".

Vcrona : Stab. tip. G. Zannoni, 1910.

10 p.

1 microfiche Order no. ILM-4784

Inman, Samuel Guy, 1877-1965.

Problems in Pan Americanism / by Samuel Guy Inman.

New York : George II. Doran, cl921. xii, 113]-415 p.

(College of Missions icctureship)

5 microfiche Order no. ILM-4274

Institute of International Law (26th session : 1911 : Madrid)

Discours dc S.E. Manuel Garda Prieto, ministre des affaires ćtrangćres, et Mr. Edouard Clunct. prćsidcnt dc 1’Institut de droit intcrnational.

Madrid : Estab. tip. dc los Hijos dc R. Alvarez, 1911.

28    p.

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4689

Institute of International Law (26th session : 1911 : Madrid)

Discursos dcl Excmo. Sr. D. Manuel Garda Prieto, ministro dc estado y Mr. Edouard Clunct, presidente dcl Instituto dc Derccho Internacjonał.

Madrid : Estab. tip. de los Hijos dc R. Alvarez, 1911. .

29    p.

I microfiche Order no. ILM-4690

Institute of International Law (26th session : 1911 : Madrid)

Rcsolucioncs y otros documentos publicados por la Rcvista de Dcrecho Intcrnacional y Politica Extcrior.

Madrid : Revista dc Dcrecho Intcrnacional y Politica Extcrior, 1911.

66 p.

1    microfiche Order no. ILM-4693

International American Conference (2nd : 1901-1902 :Mexico)

Informc cjuc la dclcgación dc la Rcpublica Argcntina presenta a la segunda Confcrcncia Pan-Americana.

Mćxico : l ip. de la Oficina Imprcsora dc Estampillas, Palacio Nacional, 1902.

78 p.

2    microfiche Order no. ILM-4815

International Labour Office.

Industrial and labour information. / Russian supplcment International Labour Office. Geneva : Intcrnational Labour Office, [1922-23]

5 v.

8 microfiche Order no. ILM-4456



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