i nauki humanistyczne. Nowy Wydział zainicjował szereg badań międzynarodowych, bierze udział w pracach organizacji międzynarodowych. Zatrudnia 32 pracowników [l ].
Reasumując, Biblioteka Brytyjska pełni dobrze swoje funkcje; sprawdziła się w działalności na przestrzeni lat od 1973 r. do dzisiaj.
1. Report of the National Libraries Committee. London 1969.
2. K.W. Humphreys: The Brilish Libraiy. ,łJouraal of Librarian-shipM 1972 Vol. A nr 1 s 1-13.
3. British Library Act. London 1972.
4. Research priorities 1979-81. The approach of the British Library 's R and D Department. "Journal of Documentation” 1979 Vol. 35 nr 2 s. 137-150.
5. The British Library: First-sixth Report 1973/74-1978/79.
6. M.B. Linę, R.J. Steemson: Interlibraiy lending in the United Kingdom. "Interlending Review" 1978 Vol. 6 nr 2 s. 31-38.
7. M.J. 0'Hanlon: British Library research and development: cur-rent projects and futurę trends. "The Information Scientist" 1975 Vol. 9 nr 3 s. 99-106.
Rafał Kozłowski
The present article treats of the beginnings of the British Library, its history, organisation, as well as of the nowadays activity.
Three Committees were closely connected with the origin of Libraiy; thęy were: Committee on Libraries, National Libraries Committee and British Libraiy Organising Committee. July the lst of 1973 is regarded as a datę of coming the Library into being. Its lar gest part - the Reference Di-vision, originated from the British Museum*s Libraiy Division. In 1974 the Central Administration has appeared, as the fifth Library* s unit.
The article presents the activity of the four library divisions: Rever-ence Division, Lending Division, Bibliographic Services Division and Research and Development Department. It includes some details on various tasks carried out by the Library* s particular units. It dfcscribes the book collections, the methods of their cataloguing and classification, the reference services as well as the buildings and technical eąuipment. The article also treats of the automation, mechanization and the preservation of collections.