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This article attempts to create a generał and. out of necessecity. selective and up-to-date descrip-tion of translation studies in Poland. The Author starts elaborating on the stages of the complicated development of translation studies with the presentation of facts in which translation studies has its origin. Further. the Autor describes the periodization of translation studies in the light of influence of the facts mentioned above on the development of translation studies in Poland. Selected theoretical models of translation studies as disciplines created mostly by Professor F. Gnicza constitute funda-mental constructional basis and significant area of comparison reference. F. Grucza distinguished two types of translation studies: theoretical and applied. The former is to create descripth e and explicative knowledge and the latter - applicative knowledge. This dhision lead de facto to two stages of inter-pretation of translation reality.
General description of translation studies in Poland covers also teaching in translation and in-terpreting which. next to the priinary field of academic research. is a key component of translation studies. This makes translation studies morę than just an area of applied linguistics.
Slow a kluczowe translatory ka, dydaktyka translacji, kompetencja translatorska, lingwistyka stosowana. metody translacji, rodzaje translacji, teorie translacji, translatoryka czysta, translatoryka stosowana. układ translacyjny