tableau 2. laine (suitę) — table 2. wool (continued)
P4jr1 |
1910 |
1927 |
iw |
1929 |
1930 |
1931 |
1932 |
1933 |
1934 |
•1931 |
Country | |
Ocźanip. .... |
635.3 |
521.7 |
562.6 |
549.1 |
536.7 |
584.9 |
612.4 |
583.1 |
587.8 |
554.3 |
Oceania | |
Australie (a) 3 . |
419.3 |
402.8 |
439.2 |
425.3 |
413.7 |
456.G |
481.6 |
446.8 |
462.7 |
430.9 |
Australia (a) 1 | |
Nouvelic-ZCIande |
(a)3 . |
116.0 |
118.9 |
123.4 |
123.8 |
123.0 |
128.3 |
130.8 |
136.3 |
125.1 |
123.4 |
New Zcaiand (a) 3 |
Total ..... |
• . • • |
1,614.0 |
1,670.8 |
1,763.6 |
1,776.2 |
1,716.0 |
1,718.3 |
1,709.8 |
1,668.3 |
1,650.3 |
1.656.0 |
Total |
Prix en franes-or par kg.1: Lonorks: .M Cri nos. r inoy. |
9.93 |
11.07 |
11.03 |
8.73 |
5.36 |
4.02 |
2.82 |
3.55 |
3.90 |
3.12 |
l1riccs in pold franes per kg1 London: Av. \ Merinos, | |
pifjccs courantes |
\ XII |
9.46 |
11.38 |
10.64 |
7.15 |
4.25 |
2.89 |
2.74 |
4.50 |
2.80 |
3.70 |
XII / current plcces |
Crolsćs: tolsons llncs |
/ moy. |
9.01 |
9.08 |
10.46 |
7.87 |
4.66 |
3.65 |
3.07 |
3.47 |
3.57 |
2.87 |
Crossbreds: Av. I One lleeccs. |
N® 1/priine |
\ XII |
8.53 |
9.98 |
9.72 |
6.46 |
3.56 |
3.25 |
2.97 |
4.50 |
2.73 |
3.21 |
XII ; No. I/priine |
toisons moy. |
/ moy. |
4.86 |
5.74 |
6.85 |
. 5.32 |
3.34 |
2.15 |
1.45 |
1.69 |
1.82 |
1.52 |
Av. ł medium fleeces, |
N° IY/I1I |
\ XII |
4.84 |
6.27 |
6.2 5 |
4.84 |
2.41 |
1.46 |
1.33 |
2.48 |
1.40 |
1.60 |
XII / No. IV/JII |
Sourcbs: Statistłques nationales olHcIelles. — Rapports spćclaux fournis par I* «Imperial Economlc Cominłllec », Londres. Solhces: National ofllctal statlstlcs. — Special statements furnished by the Imperial Econoinic CommlUee, London.
* Estimate or provislonal figuic.
(E.) Exports.
(a) Twelve rnonths ending 30.VI of tbe followlng year.
(b) Twelve rnonths ending 30.1 X of the following year.
1 Union of South Africa: coinputcd on the basis of the greasy equivaicnt of cxports. plus the approxlmate weight of wool expor!ed on sklns, less eiports the producc of Basutoland and South West Africa.
* Meiico: estimates based on the quantlty of domestic wool uscd by mllls.
3 Argcnlina. Uruguay, New Zealand: coinputcd on the basis of shlpinents, the quantity of wool cxportcd on skins, domestic cousumption and stocks.
* Chile: estimates on the basis of exports, less au estimate of Argentine wool cxporled through Chile, plus domestic cousumption and estimated conlent of woolled skins exported.
& China: Includlng Manchurla. The average annual production has been estimated ai 60,000 tons.
6 U.S.S.R.: excluding wool obtalncd from slaughtered sheep and Includlng a smali auaniliy of camefs hair.
* Australia: total of shorn wool, skin wool and wool exportcd on skins.
* Priccs; London auctlon. Quolations are for the Continental classl-fications.
Extrałt dc 1’Annuaire stati$tiquc de hi Sociólć des Nalions. 1035/36, pp. 122-123. Reprinted froin the Słalislica/ Year-liock of the Leaguc ot Nalione, 1936/36, pp. 122-123.
Eslirnation on ehilTrc provlsoire.
(E.) Kxportation.
(a) Douze mois flnissant le 30.VI de Pannie suivantc.
(6> Douze mois flnissant le 30.1 X de 1'annCe sulvante.
i Union Sud-Africaine: calculd sur la base de l’Oouivalent en lałne en suint de la laine export1c, plus lc polds approximatif dc la lalnc exportóe sur les pcaux, moins les exportations en provenance du Bassoutołand et du Sud-Ouesi afrlcaln.
i Mexlque: csllmatlon basće sur la quantttć de laine d'origine nalionalo utfUsće par les fabriques.
3 Argentine, Uruguay, Nouvellc-Zelande: calcułć sur la base des cxpor-tations. de la auantftć de laine cxportce sur les peaux, de la consommation natlonale cl des stocks.
* Chili: estlmatlons sur la base des exportations, moins unc esilmatlon de la laine en transit en provcnancc d’Argentine, plus la consommation nationale et une estimation de la laine exportee sur poaux.
» Ciiine: y compris la Mandcbouric. La production annuelte moyenne a Cić rstimte a 50.000 tonnes.
« U.K.S.S.: non compris la laine provenant des moutons abattus ct y compris unc petlte quantilC de poił de chameau.
^ Australie: total dc la laine tondue, de ia laine sur les peaux et de la lałne export^e sur les peaux.
» Prix: aux cncheres de Londres. Les cotcs se rćfCrcnt aux classiflcations contlnentaies.