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RCS Design MD Ray Smith and PCB designer Phll Bruggeman discussing photoplot output.

obtained for noise, distortion, resistor power consumption, fourier analysis and a variety of other comprehensive rc-ports.

The HSPICE Simulation System in-cludes Tektronix HSPICE interface Meta-Software’s HSPICE and HSPLOT programmes, a starter discrete compo-nent model library and a library of HSPICE primitive elements.

For further information contact Tek-tronix Australia offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Adclaide, Brisbane, Canberra and Perth.

M' •>

Eight pen A3 plotter

The new Roland DXY880 eight-pcn A3 plotter can provide cost-effective hardcopy output for business graphics and CAD software. The manufacturer claims it is compatible with morę software than any other plotter on the market.

Operating at a plotting spced of 2(X)mm per second in any direction and with a resolution of 0.05mm per step, it is suitable for precise linę graphics or overhead transparencies. It will also run with Lotus 1-2-3, Symphony, In*a*Vi-sion, AutoCAD, VersaCAD, pfs Graph or Window Draw. It can also be custom programmed.

The DXY 880 is available through Dick Smith Electronics Stores and is priced at $2250.

Dick Smith Electronics, Cnr. Lane Cove & Waterloo Roads, North Rydc 2113.

Photoptotting service

Precision Graphics offers a variety of bureau services to electronics designers ifsing CAD Systems, including photo-plotting of PCB patterns, mask patterns and other artwork. The company has fa-cilities to accept plot files from a widc rangę of CAD Systems. It is also a dealer for the Australian-developed Protel suitę of CAD programs.

Further information from Precision Graphics, Unit 15, 31 Waterloo Road, North Ryde 2113.

Phototools from PC software

RCS Design is offering high quality photoplot outputs from 5-1/4" floppy disks prepared on the many personal Computer software CAD packages for printed Circuit board design.

The phototools are produced on a Gerber photoplotter and are accurate artwork mastcrs at fuli size ready for the printed Circuit board manufacturer.

Typical sets of artwork masters might consist of negatives for component side and solder side trackwork, component legend, solder resist and drill pattern. This procedurę is possible for producing all types of boards from single sided to multilayer and SMD.

As weII as photomasters, RCS Design can generate NC drill tapes for numeri-cally controlled drilling of the boards.

RCS Design engineers have prepared a booklet describing the setup proce-dures for photoplotting from personal Computer generated files and this is available free of charge.

Dctails of the plotting service, or any other engineering support services of-fered, which include fuli PCB design and documentation can be obtained di-rectly from RCS Design at 728 Heidelberg Road, Alphington 3078.

Ultra friendly CAD software

Drafix 1 and Drafix 1 Plus are claimed to be the easiest to use CAD software available for generał purpose drafting, madę possible through a dynamie scrcen menuing system. All of the menus are visible at all times, mak-ing it unnecessary to mcmorise menu hi-erarchies.

When a function includes optional features, a “roli down" menu automati-cally appears to display all of the avail-able options.

Simplicity and elegance are said to make Drafix well suited for use by graphic artists, facility planners, interior designers and students. However it is 'also claimed to provide the fuli CAD features required by architects, engineers, drafters, contractors and manu-facturing designers.

Features include powerful graphics editing commands, 11 library fonts (16 for Drafix 1 Plus) and 14 cross-hatch patterns, automatic dimensioning, and the ability to produce drawings for paper sizes A to E (A4 to A0). Optional extras include software drivers for dot-matrix and laser printers, and a library of 450 icons for architectural, engineering and generał applications.

Further information from Discware, 5th floor, 3 Smail Street, Broadway 2007.

PGA colour monitor

Recently imported from Japan, the IDEC Multiflat monitor is a 15” fiat face multisync RGB colour monitor ideał for the graphics and CAD envi-ronment. It is compatible with all three graphics boards madę by IBM —- PGA, EGA and CG A. It uses a 90° deflection tubę with 0.31mm dot pitch.

The monitofs maximum resolution is 8(X) dots by 560 lines and it is cased in the new type fiat square CRT. It has a greater rangę of scanning frequencies than the NEC Multisync, with an automatic hori/ontal scanning frequency rangę from 15.75 — 37kHz and 50-70Hz vertically.

It will be available through recom-mended retail outlets.

For further information contact Por-chester Computers, 177 Barkly Street, St. Kilda 3182.


ELECTRONICS Australia. September 1987


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