lor £1.23.
300 ohm Ribbon laadar (Hat solid dlaleclrfc) ......4p par yd
Co-txlaPeabte Aariallte Low leaa TSohma (200 watta) .. .. 12p per yd
Co*axial cabla Aertalite Standard 73 ohma ......4p par yd
CO*AXlAL CABLE High powar (2KW). Iow lott. BO Ohm. Ola. 10.2 mm. Altonuation/^ 100MHz 2.1 db@ 1.000MHz 7.7 db par 100 tt. 3i KV DC mas. 4.8 KV ptak RE— luft 1h» job for thal big rlgl PRICE 1Sp per jard or 10 yards
SHURE (Turner) daak mlcrophona
Chrome salin flnleh, wllh PTT facłlily. Spaclally sulted lor Communications purposss. PRICE £4 plus 50p PAP.
SHURE CAOO Hond mlcrophona
wlth PTT ladllty Ideał for uaa wllh SSB aouipmanL
SPECIAL PRICE £4.30 ptus 23p post.
TRIO T8S10 |ranacelver wllh PSSiO powar aupply .. £190
TRIO JR310 SSB raca(var. Ham band only ...... £77.30
TRIO JRSOO CommunlcaHona rac«łvar........ £09.30
TRIO 9RS9DS Ali band racalyar.......... £42.30
TRIO dR309 Translalor/f ET Ham band racolvor £193
TRIO HS-4 Paddad haadphonas.......... £3.33
SP'SD Communications speaker.......... £4.40
Wa no* carry Iha fuli ranga of TRIO ACCESSORIES ayailabla ax» Stoch
CW FILTER lor TS310.............. £14
10AZ Machanlcal IHter for JR310 (atate CW or SSB) £14.87
23kHz markar unii for JR310 (lass ery*tal)........ £7.34
100kHz Callbralion Cryalat HC16U.......... £3.19
OA2 Malns Voltaga Slablliaar .......... «7p
B1019/C Hand hałd Communlcation Typa Mic for TR/O TS510
Iranacahrar.................. £3.38
LEES0N TW20SA Tabfa Standlng mlcrophona wllh ba tiary pra-ampliflar.................. £7.93
TTC FIELD STRENOTH METER Model C 3041 wllh adjuatabla enl and monitor aarphonea. alto 3* x 2\J x 1J* VarJeblo sanaltlyity control.
£2.23 plua 23p
TTC DUAL METER Medal C3042 Sary ta aa a Flald alrangth metar. or whan In lina. aa a Standlng wav# Indlcalor ...... £4.23 post 23p
TRANSCEIYERS. 82 sal. 1.8 to 4 Mc/a., 4 to 10 Mc/a., In two rangas-Cryatal or VFO conlrollad tranamltter. complata wllh modulator (or phona. 12 volt operalton, but aaally modlflod to malna uao. Racalyar (ncorporataa BFO for moraa and SSB racaptlon. Each sat la suppllad wlth a Circuit diagram. Juat tha fob tor mobila or portabla uaa. C1Ł50 plus £t post. Headset wllh mlcrophona can ba auppllad at 30p astra.
CT34 VALVE YOLTMETERS. Mtasuraa AC Vo(la up to 200MHz DC/AC rangas: 2.4V. 4.8V, 24V. 48V, 2<0V. 4S0V. Raalatanca rangaa: 1K. 10K. 100K, IM, I0M. Each unit has baan lnd<v!dually ra-COflbratad and taatad. Unit auppllad iaaa batteriaa@ £8 P A P 60p.
High impedance adaptor tor abova.......... £2.50
ONE ONLY NEW JRSOO (TRIO). Hat baon uaad aa ahop damonatration
model for two months only SPECIAL PRICE...... £30.94
Heathklt Mohican mobile racalyar...... £29
VALVES. 807’s threo for £1 Poat fiaa 0*3 amp RF ammeltra 40p plua 5p P A P
For tha callar wa havo a comprehanslve ranga of componanta at compatltiya pricaa.
Shop Houra: Mon. to Sat. t0am*7 pm. Half day doalng Thuraday.
Terma Cash wlth Order Tal: PORTSMOUTH (07M) OCOM
73*a From 73 Twyford Avanoa. Stamahaw,
Portsmouih, Hania.
2 metre AM-FM-CW - transmitter. 20w. |nput TX2 £28*85. Power suppty PS2 £16*85. 4 metre vers!on TX4 £28*85. Demonstrations arranged. Send SAEfor equipment details and crystal lists. G3IAR
Electronic & Mechanicml Sub-Assembly Co. Ltd., Highfleld House, West Kingsdown,
Nr. Sevenoaks, Kent.
Tel: West Kingsdown 2344.
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