• Safory £2341 (single officerś) _ % . . .. . . „ .
or 12437 (ntarried officerś) in The omcers dutics will bc connccied with the insiallalion and
scalę rising to £2718 maintenancc of radio stations and will involvc travelling to ouilying
• (irntnitv 23 V siations al a considerablc di stance frora their headquarters.
♦ / >*• tara ii on Candidatcs, 28-45 ycars, should possess the City and Guilds
m c, , ... . ° Intcrmedialc Certificaie (Tclccommunications) plus a pass in Radio
Subsuhsetl acconunoclation Gradę 2 or an equivalcnt qualification and musi havc a lhorough
Educatwn allowances knowledge of the installation and maintcnance of HF and VHF radio
• Contract of 24 months equipment. A knowledge of microwavc, carrier and telegraph
• Overseas Installation grant cquipmcnt would bc an advantage.
Apply to CROWN AGENTS, ‘M* Division, 4 Millbank, London, S.W,1. for application form and furlher parliculars stating namc, age, brief details of quaiiftcations and experience and guoting rcference number M2K/690815/RC.
* Salary up to £2,165
* Low taxation
* 25% gratuity on completion of 30 month tour
* Appointments Grant
* Contract 24-36 months
* Education and outfit allowances
* Subsidised accommodation
Required to undertake the field training of local techntcal officerś in all aspects of installation and maintenance of HF and VHF radio equipment particu-larly HF—Marconi: S.T. and C; Plessey: Raca): VHF-GEC; Pye; A. T. and E. The officer selected may also be required to iecture at the Post Office Training Schooł at a basie leve! on transmission principles.
Candidates must hołd appropriate City & Guilds Certificates or an equivalent qualification and have considerable experience in the installation and maintenance of the above mentioned equłpment.
Apply to CROWN AGENTS, «M* Division, 4 Millbank, London, S.W.1., for application form and further particulars stating name, age, brief details of qualifications and experience and auoting reference number M2K/700 4116/RC