Sr. No. |
Seminar/WorkshopTSIiort Tern CoureesTconferences/taining prograrmes efc. |
Duration (in Days) |
Datets) |
Intended for |
No.of participant |
1 |
DB6ATS Inajaurai |
1 |
31/10/2012 |
ETC Student |
120 |
2 |
Semhar on ‘Sentoonductor Debces' |
1 |
31/10/2012 |
ETC Sludents |
120 |
3 |
Woikstooon ‘Introductbn lo Robotics' |
2 |
3/1172012 8 4H1/2012 |
ETCSludenls |
94 |
5 |
Wofctopon ‘Irtioducton lo Robotics' |
6 |
01/07/2013 & 06107/2013 |
Ail Studerts cf DBCE |
72 |
6 |
VHDL Worksboo |
1 |
20/7/2013 |
TEtETCI Students |
45 |
7 |
Feld liio lo Smarlfink Nelwtrk Systems Limited |
1 |
29,0»13 |
SEiETCI Studanls |
70 |
8 |
DBEATSInslallalbn |
1 |
17/09/2013 |
ETCSludenls |
180 |
9 |
Semnar on sxna! generatcrs and pcwer amplfiets |
1 |
17/09/2013 |
ETCSudents |
60 |
10 |
Field Irip lo NCAOR(Nalional Center for Artarcscard Ocean Researchl & Smarłk (Smarttink NSwrrk S»stems 1 imilsdl |
1 |
10-10-2013 |
TE(ETC) Students |
50 |
11 |
Workstioo cn IrtroducSonto M4TIAB |
1 |
10-12-2013 |
SEIETCI & TEtETCI Students |
73 |
12 |
Tectmical ProiedEidiibSen |
1 |
19/10/2013 |
S.ETComp) Students |
73 |
13 |
Workshoo on Phv$ical Comuttna wth RasberwPi |
8 |
164)1/201410 23/01/2014 |
Ali Students of DBCE |
94 |
14 |
Spoken Tutcriai fcr IIT-B |
1 |
25/02/2014 |
TE(ETC) Students |
25 |
15 |
FieH trio lo Premier Bectricals n Fatorda |
2 |
1/3/2014 S&32014 |
SEIETCI Students |
78 |
16 |
Sooken Tutcriai fcr IIT-B |
1 |
03-06-2014 |
SEIETCI Students |
60 |
17 |
WoitcshoD on Anabo RC and Itsaoblicatbn |
1 |
03-08-2014 |
TE(ETC) Sludents |
48 |
18 |
Sooken Tutcriai fcr IIT-B |
2 |
27/3/2014 & 28/32014 |
SBETCt Students |
42 |
20 |
Tectmical Project Exhibition |
1 |
05-10-2014 |
SE(ETC) & TEiETC) Sluderts |
120 |
21 |
Sooken Tutcriai fcr IIT-B |
1 |
17/06,2014 |
TETETCI Students |
60 |
22 |
Deskning with Meoa-Pi |
15 |
30/6/20141011/772014 |
BETETCt Students |
38 |
23 |
Workshoo on htrorfocfa loCCNA |
15 |
30/& 2014to11/7/2314 |
BETETCI Students |
38 |
24 |
ISTE workshop cn "Recentfendsin Image Prorasshg' |
5 |
7/72014 to 11/72014 |
Faculty |
20 |
25 |
Workstwo on WroduSbn To Bnbedded Snstems |
6 |
S72014 to 11/72014 |
TETETCI Sludents |
60 |
28 |
Workshoo on Introductbn to PSIM |
1 |
31/072014 |
SEiETCI Sludents | |
27 |
Feld trioto MOand Radio Mirch stabon |
1 |
08-08-2014 |
BBETCt Students |
45 |
28 |
MaSabWoikshoo |
2 |
23(082014 * 27/092014 |
SE(ETC) Sludents |
72 |
29 |
Inslalatm ofD-SEATS Councl |
1 |
10-10-2015 |
SE.TEandBEETCStuderts |
210 |
30 |
Ubrkstop on Idroducton to Digital VISI Cbsion |
2 |
06809/012015 |
SE ETC Students |
72 |
31 |
Wokstiop on Wroduction to JAVA |
2 |
05806/022015 |
BE ETC Students |
60 |
32 |
Workshoo cm PLC Proorarrmno |
1 |
07-02-2015 |
TE ETC SUerte |
80 |
33 |
Wbrkshop on 'Programming and Customśing of AVR Microcontrdler |
1 |
11-04-2015 |
SE ETC S TE ETC Students | |
34 |
Introductbn to RascbaTvPi |
1 |
11-04-2015 |
SE ETC Students | |
35 |
FieUtrio to Premier Bedncds |
1 |
SE ETC Students |
72 | |
38 |
Workshop on !o Intodidbn to Ardunoand Internet d Thngs UsngAVR |
5 |
296/2015 to03/7/2015 |
TETETCI Students |
72 |
37 |
Worskshopon Soft Skilfe and Apbtude Traning |
5 |
6(72015 to 1972015 |
TETETCI Sludents |
72 |
38 |
Workshop on The 8051 Microconłrctler and Piogemning Concepts |
1 |
_01-08-2015_ |
SEIETCIStudents |
_1_ |
1. One week workshop on “Soft Skills development and Aptitude Training" was conducted from 06th July 2015 to 10th July 2015 by Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in assooiation with DBEATS. A total of 71 students attended the workshop. The resource persons for the workshops were entrepreneurs Mr. Rohit Pinto and Mr. Gajanan Nagarsekar. The workshop covered various aspects of choosing career, post graduate entrance examinations. resume writing aptitude tests etc.
2. One week workshop on Tntroduction lo Arduinno and Internet of Things with AVR" was conducted from 29th June 2015 to 3rd July 2015 by Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in assooiation with lnventrom. A total of 71 students attended the workshop. The resource persons for the workshops were Mr. Pranav PaiVemekar, Mr. Dattaprasad Naik and Mr. Pranav Kundaikar all part of the lnventrom team.
3. Two week workshop on “Designing with MEGA-PI" was held from 30th June 2014 to 11th July 2014 by Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in assooiation with 'ROBOCOM Robotics’ group of Don Bosco College of Engineering. The workshop was a combination of Atmega-32 and Raspberry Pi. The resource persons were Milroy Dourado. Siddesh Sangodkar, Raul Femandes, Neha Madgaonkar, Domnic Rodrigues, Racheal Femandes. Nagesh Bagkarand Joshua Salema.
4. One day workshop on “The 8051 Microcontroller and Programming Concepts" was conducted on 01 st August 2015 by Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in assooiation with DBEATS. The resource person for the workshops was Prof. Reena Femandes from Padre Conceicao College of Engineering. The focus of the workshop was to introduce the microcontroller to the students of second year ETC and provide a platform for them lo explore morę on its architecture and programming.
5. A two day workshop on Tntroduction to Java“ was conducted on 01 st August 2015 by Department of Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering in assooiation with DBEATS. The resource person for the workshop was Prof. Shailesh Khanolkar from Padre Conceicao College of Engineering. The workshop was divided into four sessions consisting of introduction, commands and syntax, codes and decision making and looping.
ETC students actively participate in Cultural Fests, sports & also visit other institules to presenttheir research work
The department also conducted a short term training programme that was ISTE approved in “Trends in Image Processing’from 7th to 11th July, 2014