Course codę ICC3026
Course title_
Elements of Electrotechnics and Electronics
Superyising course lecturer
Other course lecturers_
Ph.D. Andrzej Hachol Ph.D. Adam Krzywaźnia Ph.D. Henryk Juniewicz Ph.D. Janusz Ociepka Ph.D. Zbigniew Rucki Ph.D. Zdzisław Szczepanik
Course structure
Course form |
Lecture |
Classes |
Laboratory |
Project |
Seminar |
Number of credits |
Number of hours /week |
2 |
1 | ||||
Form of the course completion |
Test |
Grade assessment |
Course dcscription_
Operating principles, basie parameters and applications of electronic instrumentation are presented to students, particularly voltage and current sources, voltmeters, signal generators, impedance meters, instrumental amplifiers. Students get practical training in exploitation of electronic measuring equipment. Basic methods of analysis of direct current circuits and alternate current circuits as well as Computer simulation of electronic analogue circuits operation, analysis and parameters estimation are presented. Basic ideas, operation principle, mathematical description and rules of application of digital logie elements are given, also with Computer simulation. Students study operating principles and functions of microprocessors in modern electronic instrumentation. Students experimentally investigate selected electronic circuits, widely used as interface to sensors.
Particular lectures contents |
Number of hours |
1.Basic electrical ąuantities, linear and nonlinear elements of electronic circuits. |
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2.Signals, amplitudę and time parameters. Current and voltage sources. 3.Norton’s and Thevenin’s rules. Ohm’s and Kirchhoffs laws for DC and AC electric |
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circuits. Symbolic method of circuit analysis. Electrical impedance. 4.Measurements of direct and alternate currents. Energy consumption by measuring device |
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from the phenomenon field. 5. Apparent power, active and reactive power. Measurement of electrical power and energy. 6. Four-pole circuits, characteristics, parameters. Equivalent circuits. |
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7. Feedback, types of feedback, examples of application.. 8. Electronic filters, amplifiers, fundamentals of feedback. |
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9.Balanced and unbalanced four-arm bridges. Application. |
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10.Logic elements and circuits. Analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog conversion. |
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