p «*.
h on the optimun o 1* thin shelis, by H. Roxbee Cox. London, H. M. Stat. off., 1956. 1 p. (A.R.C. R. & M. no* 1737)
(Abstract Aircr&ft engineering, London, Sep. 1936, v. 8,
(Ab ___ ..
no. 91, p. 245-46)
• r
/l ♦
diagrs. (A.R.C. II. & M. no. 1764)
- j
On the stresśing of aeroplane wings due to symmetrical gusta, by L. W. Bryant and I .M.V. Jones. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1956. 45 p. diagrs., t&bles. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1690)
Recherche des eonstraintes dans ies poutres* de hauteur vsriable, par V. A. Nicolsky. Paris, ]£. Blondel la Rougery* 1936. (Pub. ścieni, tech. min. de Iłair no. 84)
Remarks on the elastic axis of Shell v;ings, by Paul Kuhn. Washington, 1956. 10 p. ai&grs. (ft.A.C.A. Technical notes
no. 562) (Abstract Journal of the R.A.S., London, Sep.
1936, n. 75Sy~
Statically indeterminate stresses, by John Ira Parcel and George Alfred Maney. New York, John Wiley and soas, 1956. 432 p.
The Stress distribution in snęli boaies and wings as an equili-brlum problem, by H. Wagner. Washington, 1936. 23 p.
(N.A.C.A. Technical memorandums no. SI?) (Prom Luft-fahrtforschung, MUnchen and Berlin, Sep. 20, 1936, v. 13, no. 9, p. 281-92)
Stressed-skin structures. Compression tests of panels with
tubular stiffeners, by I.J. Gerard and B.G. Dickens. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1936. (A.R.C. ii. & M. no. 1330)
The Stresses in certain tubes of reetangular cross sections under torque, by D. Williams. London, II. M. Stat. off., 1936.
34 p. diagrs., illus. (A.R.C. R. & M. no. 1761)
The Stresaing of a partlcular rigid-jolnted fuselage under bend-ing loads, by J. Morris and G. C. Abel. London, H. M.
Stat. off., 1936. 21 o. diagrs., tables. (A.R.C. R. k M.
no. 1748)
A Study of the flexural axis positions for certain box sections, by D. Williams and D.W.G. Fairbanks. London, H.M. Stat. off., 1936. 24 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (A.R.C.
R. & M. no. 1751) (Reviev; Flight, London, Sep. 30, 1937, v. 15, no. 5, p. 19)”