Durchbiegung und schubsenkung bei dtlnnwandigen kastentr*agern, von O. Lienau. Schiffbau, Berlin, Feb. 1, 1928, v. 28, no. 3, p. 41-44. illus.

Ein Yerfahren zur ermittlung der ąuerkrdfte und zuglfissigen druck-krdfte mehrteiliger stUbe durch benutzung des v/-verf&hrens, von W. Faust. Der Bauingenieur, Berlin, Jan. 15, 1926, v. 7, no. 3, p. 53-56. diagrs.

On the distribution of shearing stresses in beams of certain

cross-sections, by T. Inokuty. Tokyo, Tokyo imperial uni-versity, 1926.    58 p. diagrs. (Aeronautieal research in-

stitute report no. 5)

Le Centre de glissement, point dApplication de lreffort tranchant, dans la section drun .solide prismatique soumis b. des efforts esterieurs. Le Genie civil, Paris, Nov. 28, 1925, v. 87, p. 466-68.

Influence lino diagrams for shearing force, bending moment, slope and deflection for single-spar glrders, by W.N. Thomas. Con-crete and constructional engineering, London, Nov. 1924, Feb. 1925, v. 19-20, p. 687-96; 70-80. diagrs., illus.

Effect of slight taper on shear in a girder, by L.N.C. Filon. Engineering, London, Dec. 12, 1924, Jan. 30, 1925, v. 118-19, p. 789; 133.

Biegung und schub in geraden balken, von C. Weber. Z.A.M.M., Berlin, Aug. 1924, v. 4, no. 4, p. 334-48. illus.

On the stability under shearing forces of a fiat elastic strip, by R.V. Southwell and S.W. Skan. Proceedings of the Royal society of London, May 1, 1924, v. 105, no. A 733, p. 582-607. diagrs.

Der Schubmittelpunkt, von R. Mailart. Schv/eizerische bauzeitung, Zuricn, Mar. 8, 22, 1924, v. 83, no. 10, p. 109-11. diagrs.

The Influence of the form of a wooden bearn on its stiffness and

strength. I:    Deflection of beams with special reference to

shear deformations, by J.A- Mev;lin and G.Y/. Trayer. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off., 1924. 19 p. diagrs., illus., tables. (N.A.C.A. Report no. 180)

Stress distribution in a rectangular plater having two opposing

edges sheared in opposite directions, by C.E. Inglis. Proceedings of the Royal society of London, July 2, 1923, v. 103, no. A-723, p. 598-610. diagrs.

Beitrag zum vergleich der dehnungs-und schubspannungstheorie, von H. Bonte. Zeitschrift des V.D.'I., Berlin, Dec. 18, 1920, v. 64, no. 51, p. 1071-73. diagrs.


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