Jur la torsion des poutres prismatiąues a section rectangulaire, par M. Roy. Annales des mines, Paris, Dec. 1930, v. 18, no. 12, p. 249-73. illus.
linflusslinien fUr vielfeldige balken unter einzel-und streck-enlasten, von II. Cramer. Zentralblatt der bauver\valtung, Berlin, Aug. 20, 1930, v. 50, no. 32, p. 586-87.
The Torsional effect of transverse benaing loads on cnannel
bearas, by Fred B. Seely, William J. Putnain and William L. Schwalbe. University of Illinois bulletin, Engineering experiment station, Urbana, July 1, 1930, v. 27, no. 44.
66 p. diagrs., illus., tables.
Drawing of an epure of raoments for bent and compressed beams
of constant cross section by means of vector diagrams, by M. L. Lure. Teknika vozdushnovo flota, Moscow, May 1930, no* 5, p. 297-305. aiagr., illus.
proposito di ąualche formola approssim&ta per la trsve inflessa e sollecitata assialmente, di G. Albenga. L1Aerotecnica, Roma, Jan.-Febo 1930, v. 10, no. 1-2, p. 5-11.
Tase of flexure of beam subjected to longitudinal stress, by
M. T. Kuber. Przegląd techniczny, Warszawa, Jan. 22, 1930, v. 69, no. 3, p. 45-54. diagrs., tables.
rending of simple beams of light sections, by M. T. Kuber. Instytut badań technicznych Lotnictwa, sprawozdania kwartalne, Warszawa, 1930, no. 3, p. 5-13. diagrs., tables.
The Plaster-model method of determining stresses applied to
curved beams, by Fred B. Seely and Richard V. James. Uni-versity of Illinois bulletin, Engir.eering experiment station, Urbana, Aug. 6, 1929, v. 194, no. 49. 36 p. diagrs.,
illus., tables.
:ver de grafische berekening van statisch onbepaalae liggers
en van portaalsystemen met niet verschuifbare knooppunten, met behulp van een elastichen stangenveelhoek, door C.G.J. Vreedenburgh en L. G. Gerrits. De Waterstaats-ingenieur, Soerabaja, Java, riar. 1929, v. 17, no. 3, p. 59-72. diagrs.
Traphical method of airplane beams design, the beams being of variable cross-section, by I. A. Tavastsherna. Teknika vozaushnovo flota, Moscow, Feb. 1929, no. 2, p. 87-96. table.
Precise formulas for restrained beam with axial load of compres-sion, and with one restraining moment known. Washington, U.S. Govt. print. off«, 1929. 3 p. diagrs., illus. (Air
corps information circular no. 624) (Air corps technical report no. 2899)