- 24 -

and 11 manweeks of acnual mit• lont in tupport of INRAN* 8 computerized financial management and acconnting system funded under the project. Also included are 16 manweeks during the firtt years of the project to prepare an inventory of the major types and maket of tcientific and laboratory eąuipment and their State of repair. and then to make tpecific recommendations bated on INRAN9s needs (para. 3.35) and for giwing on-the-job training in all aspects of goods. works and senrices procurement. The Personnel Officer would be responsible. Inter alia, with the atsistance of the Scientific Directorate. for the preparation of detailed teras of reference for technical assistance specialists and contultancies funded under the project.

(d) Clvil Works. Vehlcles. Eguipment and Supplies

3.33 The project will finance the rehabilitation of the exi8ting research infrastrućturę; new construction and facilities; furniture; Office, laboratory and agricultural eąuipment and suppliet; and vehicles. A total of seven new Staff houses would be constructed in remote areas and INRAN headąuarters would partly be transfered to reconverted freed facilities at the IPDR/ECE Kolio training center. New construction would be funded to accommodate the incremental local staff at the new or erpanded INRAN center8 and 8tation8. INRAN98 reąuirements for scientific and laboratory eąuipment and supplies would be estimated by a specialist.. A Senior Project Engineer Consultant and a local Architect will be hired under a second PPF for drawing up detailed civil works and eąuipment schedules and reąuirements. including specifications. cost estimates and bidding documents. The reports prepared by the consultant and by the architect with detailed costs would be submitted to IDA. The project would finance short-term missions for the Senior Project Engineer Consultant. for a total of 16 manweeks to follow up the implementation Schedule and to assist in the setting-up of the Materiał Resources Unit. In addition the project will finance a total of 85 new vehicle8 (including replacements every fourth year. except for trucks which will not be replaced within the five*year project period); 64 motocycles/ mobylettes (replaced every third year); and eight traćtors plus eąuipment.

3.36    INRAN Headguarters and Kolio Research Center. Certain departments of INRAN9s present cramped headąuarters in Niamey will be moved to the freed IPDR/ECE facilities of Kolio Training Center. leaving in Niamey increBsed Office space for the General Directorate and for the Finance and Administration Directorate. At Kolio, the buildings released will offer enough Office space for the Scientific Directorate. DSPECOR. DRN, SSI. and up to three visiting specialists. as well as conference and documentation rooms. and space for support Staff. Civil works for the rehabilitation and construction of additional laloratories. offices and storage facilities would start in PY1. New office furniture. including Computer eąuipment for the accounting department. copy and telex facilities. and vehicles would be provided. The project would moreover provide funds for 29 vehicles. 30 mobylettes. and two tractors with their implements•

3.37    Associated Laboratories INRAN/Unlwerslty of Niamey and Niamey-INRAN. Starting the second year of the project. the civil works program would consist of the rehabilitation of laboratories. construction of meeting and office space for 12 researchers and their support staff. The project would moreower provide funds for the purchase of office and laboratory furniture and eąuipment. 18 vehicles and 13 mobylettes.


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