n Timos^ŃcwŁ    liWWt Svivtf.»r. Ocłeber ó. 1974

Notre Damę batters past Michigan State

KAST l.-WSIMl. Mieli <l |»|» SniNir w«rkhuiM' W.iync lUiltock i.»i f«r tw«» (•aurhdnwn* .mil Irolunan kwkiT Iław Iftwr rłrffrd in

Iwo fu-l<l(>ulsS.ilunb> lii(iłr >ix(h r.iiilu^l .\of|V lMnv a t'»N vK*lory m»*r linii 141 Michigan Matr • JiH («o »mv4il lu-W gual ||> Sp.Ml.n fcMfccr IliW-NH^km :i li r>htmin troili IMtmark «*«%! .\bctwgjn M.tlr IllCgmito

Noirr Ikiror. *Iimij* uiifi il* lilht ln» III II«NI||«IX> 'igatml I'unfm* khl werk. *a> slingy

•JM ihbiu** Mr tlH- fir^4 If»r»v

tjuarlcr*. *liJJhrv Ihr Mleliigjit Stalr offtibr Hm* S|)^rt.in% Mitr hcM mwIrm unlll ihr %Vf> c»rt im Hu* iln/rt ifuartif •

JtiillMt. a hurtung 2ii |nmi«hI m-iiiim fttltoit. xi a Noln* Itomr miinl with w miwn w bo b oMwnl 127    lir

ilie lirsl iju.irk-r and a Iłn-yanf |*»wtr *wcvp Iii tfu- Mftmrt •puirtrr.

lUwr kirkcd fk-ld goaUnf :ji aort x* yard*. whłk- Nielsen was w kle mci .ilU-mpis from 44 and 23 yard* ou«

Michigan Slalr ficorcd <m .1 afi-yonf J>as» from opiarU-rUiik filariir Itaggetf to >p3n c«d Mlkr Jono wdh I :2!l Icft In inr third łfUłirlrr and an ctjlhl-yard run by lalltKiek ItUh llae* uiih3:4'Jfćn In Ilu-gamr

Ohio State smothers WSU 42-7

. skatuj*:. \\>4i •nii

• ArriUc Gnilni. lHnu Siole* luttfmg. twutmg i.nlłuik ran Uw 196 yard* Sattirclay a\ Uw Nu I IfMckeyr* (leiiMiliNhtil •Wa4wigton Siatę tnmrMiy C? Hi ail liitiT-WTłirwul ganir r**bw\'VU>X)tam.

Cnffui. rolki! I* omcIi U widy ll.iyr* IIh* fu-*l nemu tg liark Itr** rnt rnorfced.

wrapprd iip (CJ yard* m ihe lirsl hall ak«rt»\ .ind brnke the fiHigar* w,<|ł J 7.Vy;irrt w-urliu: ramp m llw

SeCOfUl |X*f)< id

le w a* hn liwigoi sc.impcr fr*>in scrniim** Hii^ scasoo Grlllin c.-urmJ Ihc Irtill — limo Iw-fnre nlinmn lr> (Ih-I h*ik'Ii ni Uh* UiJitI (paflrr

ll was alrirtly n« imUsl m a

gaiiK- If3ii«4il«inuil Innn Ihc r»»utfarV hoiiu* lalr iii K»lmi w.WiMi^tiui l« attraci morv

r.iu> li> wnldi Uh- ikiImhiS hifir.iiikdJ Umiii

OKI* maile U .* ramp. Mi*r1ł(ts Hm* lirsl livc limes i! h.irt Uh* l».ill and rdK^loi: up a 2Vu marciu Irkirc IIm* CiMigars p»l nil lllr IhkkiI


’Bama rallies past Mississippi

JAIKSON. Miss. il lli SfKTdy hairtork WUMr Shrti»y scorcrt Iwo Iniichdouns Salnrrtay l» lulng sr\*nnd-rank<xl Alatcima łnuo Munrt in ltx* mii*ul lialf lor a :iV*.i r v fi I on o 11 y • I c11* vbn! SouIIicji filer ii Cfinfrrrncr viclory ow MKsKswoi

. Sbclhy. a IT^ pmmd Junior, scorcrt on a tlirw-yunl mti in Ihc ficcood period and ikd Ihc gamc 2121 in Uh* Ihlnl qu;u1cr \*1lh a Sft-yanf sprwl The ('rimson Tklr twA the kod ml nul o kiler. drivin»! M yards wllh sophnnuirr lOck WlfifiU

Kctltng Ihr wn* Innn chem


AI«dianu‘5oC!uT touriKhans caciu* «hi a (hnt*yonl run hy James Taylor ki Ihc npeiiłnu cpjarler and a onc-yard plnruie ny ijuarlcrtiack llkhaid Todd iii tłu* UnalpcHod.

Ok- MM tr;irtcft 14-7 af Uh-

hall atlcr M*ninr miadctlKicfc Kcnn> lN%xms «oml «»n a nlneyard ran »n Ihc dpnrim: period.

Uul (lic Hebch &A Umiuick lmichrto\Mis carly In Ihc Ihlrtl quarlcr to £0 la traM 31-14. Lyons hocakcrt one yard h*r IM*

lirsl fiCBfc arter Mikę HUnun h;«l ntwttiil a fumUc lisulisliluli* Alabama ipiar-terli;Kk Jack OUcor al llur Ticle W

Thrce mlnulcs laicr. iMcwht ciul O ary Turner loicrccpicd n pMchout by Todd aort r.-ui42yard*donn Ihr rlgW shfHlnc lo jtht ihc Hehrlfi ihr lettd.

I lowx*vcr. Shcliiy rallKil ihc Tidc wiih Mak JK yartl run Ihc ncxt U mc Alaiuma g«»i Ihc Itali and Walsoit piii (lx* imlx*atcn ClimMHi Tldc .dicad 2H-21 ntth hu cighl-yartl mu m10i S7 sceonds kil hi ihc tlnrd period.

Fuinble returns help USC win

l-OS ANCEUCS iLTIi -Senior dcfenshc hock Charles llillIlpN plcked up lut) lumhks and reiiirned Ihcin JO and S* yard* fnr louch&iu n* Salorday lo hl^ihghi a 41-i t'mvmlly ol Southern Califoml.i rnmp mer


Phillips' iki yjinh m m-Irrccplcd tuud4c nmi tri a eoUcłdalc recrnl. The idil NCAA rnark of l(t* yank m thrce rrturitt mu m*i m iw iw MIII Itnubky «rt KtnrkLi aj^kwl Miami

Un!fl Rilllips daryKd Ihc croud o4 Ó2.09S u uli IiK mus «n tumbie rocoerrtcs m thralr.

Iht- n.inK- s hlijh pnmi «ok

Antliony I>a\tt* Wkyard kickoff return In the firsl period.

II was ihc 371 h leuchdnun ot Davłs* cullciitatr corcer and Incrcascrt his pcW UUal to 2fi. bolh USC fidiool rtvor<l\

Tlić Trojans »polled Iowa a 26-yard- f»clct--piał by Nkfc-guartaro In Hic opcnlng minult-s ot łhc bru perwd On Ihc follouini: klekotf. Ilnrtfi fuinbkxl Ule haB. rccmenil II. and rac\*d fo yards djun Uh-> dcl uh- for his lourhdcrun Southern Cnblorma In-crcasi-d Ih k-ad lo 14*:i In the first period as loua quar Irriwirk linii Fick was in-Imwlwl l*y hum Ikitian The

Trojons tlien marthed 4ti yard* with ąuartcrfack Pal Hadc/i scoring on o mtloul from the II.

Iowa pul on ilh ltc*t dr|vc of iht- gamo carly m the scrauJ period w hen the l!AMkC)vs movod from thdr owrront ii>‘ Ihc USC 19 Hut Jim Jenscfi furnldcd and Hiilłips pirked Ihc l»all nff au Ihc alr. racin# K3 yardstoficorc.

In the Ihlrd penod. Iowa drace to ihc Trojan one wticrc. on fourlh down. Ilod Wellington also lumldcd and Phillips a goto plcked It off in lik* ;ilr. Thb lime lu- raccd %\ yardfi for ihc hcnrr.

Michigan overhauls Stanford

STANKOHIJ.CalM •Mli-Michigan cpuirtcrtKick Ik-rafiis Franklin ran for Iwo Imich tkiwitt and guukil a 7H*> .ud lliuil sconik! drhr l« Ind Uic Ihlrd rankod Wotradnni b» a 27US wtn Salnrduy mer stul»-lMK*n tmjI wtotkrss Stanford T>ic Canllnals kil al ihc lialf bul Franklin, \ulcd the gjiiK*’* ouirtanding 'player, ran hmomh upUon pln\> lo the weak^KHic lor fourlh straight M*a*nu vkhry uithoutałosN

Sluubirrts rerord fcll loO-J-t Franklin, a Cd. (JOpmiui

senior, hit mvivrr* wllh chrer key piwni iwo of thcin to cud Jim Smilli lor 31 y ord* • * In pul Iht- gantr mil U n-.Mh m ic> flmil rmiHiIo

TJw Wulntkin wrre mci-fcclnal in Ihr lei| pTiwl. ficnrrd «»n a dricp Irmn 40 > wth out in (he mtcoikI. and Ihm imuiHiud In Ihi ihinl ipuirtrr

willi Iwo Umkhitom dnv«»v

cajijml • liy Fr-mklinS keeper plny«; from 12 .nul 11 vr vard> imII

Sianmnl hil by •(uartcftiark Jerry    n hc% lirsj

vanU(y Mart. urra irfit-.id c n m

the firM tparlcr on flcW goals by Mlkc I^ngford. who aiso kiekrrt ItieCanH* finał senre In theluilf fn>«u42 yanKou!

WaUIvogcl hmughl Slantoni Isac* In Ihc fourlh ctuarlcr on a 76-ynrd drUr dl maml liy an clght yard a»-rial lo fullhack Scott l-adlaw

In Ilu- luli li- nl <|UL'ir1crh:ick*. Wjildcogcl hit 21 uf .40 pavw> for 2ii yardv whltr Franklin eoni|>l('ted K1X nf 13 piwes lor Kf» yaid\. Inil Franklin luid Ihc tilgi* nn the grnural. accragUig S S yards per carry for a Tiymtd tnl.il

Nebraska sliatters Minnesota

MNCOIA*. Ni-h %IHi With quartifl).Kk Piwv lluruni al the throllle and in lud licallh. flllh r.uikiil Netoaska look commaiłd from ihc o(x-ni!tg kk-koff Salunlay and hrcczcd in a M-0 vlctoO‘ mit Ihc Minncfiotn Gopbcrs The forohuskctN iin»k a C« k*.i(J in Ihc firsl persod aflcr marchlng ZS yardfi In tc plays with Ihcopifiingklckoff The fil* polni > ca mc on a yard pas* from llumui lo fiilback Tony Ha\ ls WilhllwM pass. Ilumm wrolr himM-lf lido

ihc NelirasJua rctxni luok* an the aflllim* kadrr in Umch-diun Utnws u dli .u. one mure Mian Ilu- iild nwrd hnkkr.

Jerry T.»gg»*

Tłv lluskn soiu-d lha*c luuchdowns n» Ihe kecond •puirler. tuo m ilu- third. and Iwo Jn Ihi* loufUi and ncver allowiil |Ih* guptor* a dtt^ml. scoruig cfloocr

Tłu- NrłaraOta d4Vi»r hrtil Minmwda wjjikuiI .i firvt down thniugli Ihc lir>i to minuto The gi>|łlH*n. wmind up witn only Ihn-e.

A funiNU- rrcmery liy Miki* Fuli z nu ihi* MfimmlA ;» m1 up the sjceond Nktmka lunch down drlve. c.ipped when liavc GiUc*pie went mcr fn.in Ihc Iwo. The third Ncbra>ka score came on a 4A-yard run hy froh man Monte Anthony .md the fourlh on a IS-yard run arouml cm)by Ilumm

AntlMiny ncufrd ag;iln nn a Ihree-yard .ima*h. amf Jkn Kurrow n-tumed a puul 07 yard* to make lin* eouid 4i-o mkłuay tlirougli ihc ihinJ period


JdOSCaW^fUPD • The S<ivicl Union mul Tram Cnnnda bed 44 today In Ihc fiCYndh gamę of Ihcir cłiJif* ramcscricfi

The Canadlan* sald a um-iilug lifth Cnnaduin goa) at Ihc

pmek cud fihuold kavr counlcd. Ind the 5nvkls fiaW t Imc had nJrcady nm »wit TlK' tlć ginę Hic So\Mh »m unbcatatitc 31 frod In Ihr serk-s The viwlor% ncnkd b> w tn lotSay and Sooday Jusl In

drawr cwn

Tcxk1y*fi gai nr u-a> htudi* nvirc MdidutiS tlu.i Thimolays S-2SovłeI wio whicli nnfcd willi Ifidh sldiw Itfaullng Only thrtv prnallle* uerr meted out lortirr







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