or eover gamę

(Contłnucd from PagcI)

Hut as iu the real world. łhcsc gouls nsjuire Iłu? stali* to pursuo u ccrtuln pulh or comhlnallon of palłts łteforc Ute poals cna l>e rcaehed. For exnmplc. fu order to reacłi Ute goaf of cJenn orivlronnient you musi do citlier one uf Iwo tlilngs: you can limit cneruj' supply or you can cJeun up iułwcr planls. Eilltcr would sufffcc. TIu? cholet* is up lo tfu? plnycrs.

And as iu Ute real world. each ot theso steps has a certa i u cost. Knch requlrcs łtotb money and votcs to ł>e used lx?forc il fs takeń. Kuch step costs Ute same: liotli 25 dollars and 20 votes. Since no player Has so much. hc musi ally himscir willi olher players.

Hero Is a list of Ule gouls and Ihe pnllis avnilah)c lo reacłi litem: i Sec chart on (his pupę. >

1. CLEAN AIR: You can do one ol iwo tlrings lo rcach thls goal:a> Umil energy supply or In cierni power płanls.

< Ellher ślep you choosc cosls the standard 25 dołiars and* :hi votes.)

2.    l*Oin:iw\TI()N GROWTII: Y<iu musi do iwo thlngs herc a) prnvlde cnergy pro wili Itccausc jtcople lollow

-fnetoricsnchich-fnłlmr-cncrgyrnnd hT-ctonn-iip-lhrpower

may altempt to use the “blnck hali." This is sueh a dnitgcruus weapoo Ihal no single player Isentru.sled to its use. So Iwo players jointly musi dcclde lo use che Dlaek hall al the same limę tielore it can Ih* use<l. Kuch player may use a lilack hal) oniy ouce. and il eaimot Ih* laken haek onee used.

A* lilack hall -prwcnls any slupie poal ircnn lH*lnp achieved. I.lke the llydropon Itumb. thls Is Jh*s! used as a Ihreat.

How to Play

Tłie panie lasls lor nnly one hmn*. Kaeh player takes lunis. On his tum. the player may put nmney nnd/or votes toward his poals. whicli usi*s up Ute luiu. Al lenia U* Jy a player may cali for an eJcclioii lo ehaupe panu* mlcs. or use Ihe lilack Itall. Players who use Ihe hlaek hall lin-medlalely arc Jalled. rurfclting (heli* nexl iwo lums as punlslunenl. Harpoininp may laki* plaee al any linie as Ute panie propresses.    . .

How to WJn

Al the oiitsol of the panie cuch player wnieś down on ; płeee-<if-piii>ct^Ai+mł-ltis-poais-wiłH>cr:\t-thc-cnd-nt-thr

The back gam

By Oswald & Jan (Lost ol a So

Frequently a gamę can slorl ba


many as four men In your oppon nol sent any of his men to the ba

back gamę. In playing a back ęn

two points In your opponents

Id pIt

done this. you should plan to exi

planls. Itecuusc pcoplc iuove In places wlih non pullułcd cnvinmiiu?nl.s.

:t. INCRKASEf IMCOMK: Tltis Iseasy. In this punie ymi mus! only pmvlde for cnergy prowih.

•I. I.IA1IT WIUfLATlON GKtOWTH: TliLs is Jitsi the oppositc of populutlon prowih. so you can do one of two thinps: u) limit cnergy suppply arb i lei (hcair petdirly,

5.1 NCR KASK HJOI) PRODGCTION: Tltis rcgulres two Utlops; a i cnergy growlh to pmvlde power for new Irrlpotinn^and hi clean power planls. Ik*cuilnc ovcrl.v jHilinled skles can rcduce erup ylelds.

The Black Bali

• Now for ihe ultimalc wcnpon:“hrrare eases. when a player feels so stronply apntiisi soitielhitip hapjH*ninp. Ite-

panie oach player pels ihroo |>oints tor each poal ho inunapcs (o acliievc. and ono point Is (kductcd lor oach poal hc lalls to achleve.

The iNiiitl Is lo shajM? lito siato Ilu* way It should U* trom your point ol vłew. To achiovo thls. ilu* player Irios lo acłileve his poals llimugh votinp. purchusc. convłiiciiip. educallon.eajoliap. lltrealsaitd usuuf Ilu*lilack hall. As iu Ihe real worki. much or llio play takes place la socrel. where deals aiv hatchcd amonp players who shatt* poals. or where players iry to laik. Iirllte or ediwale olher players trom uslnp. sltuddcr. lito lilack hall.

If played woli. everynnecaii Ih? a wiitncr. On the ollujr. _ haud. everyl>o<ly can lośc if Ute players poł>crśerk. lt’s np -i loytni.


hit in order to dclay yóurself and s

front men.




U 11 ID t «    7

« S

Thediaprammed posilion lllustn

..... li

Man plays saw with orchestra

Financial Times-UP!

NAIROBI - An Insplrcd yittmg Kast Afrlcan an-t hropoloplst. Richard lx?akcy. is hnildłnp a monument in Nairobi to prehistorie man.

U is also a memoriał1 to Ihe younp mun‘s famous falhcr. the lale Dr. I^iuls l^eukcv. whosc dłscovcrles

uiithropolopica! sltidy and researeh.------

The Insi Huto wili Ih? a finał pravevard of prehistorie man. II Is to Ih? Ihe repository of a hupe. unkptc and ever-prowinp collecthin nl fosslls and nrtifacts illuslratinp the cinerpcncc of man utillions of ycars apo front his an-

suggest Kasi Africa was Ihccradlcorhumaiilty.

Richard Lcnkcy. :HI. Is dlrcctor of Ihe National Muscums of Kcnya. He Is cnshrinlng the natne and work of his father in Ute S72U.000 Louis la?akcy Memoriał Inslitutc for Afrlcan Prehłstory. soou to takc shupc In Nałroltl as an International center for

ccslors. Ihe soutltcm apes., up the lonp and stlil nol' propcrly undcrstooi ladder of cvolution.

Dr. l^ouls lx?akey died in l^tndon in HJ72. his work on Easl Afrlcan pa*hlslory unf inished. His discovcrics. willi his wife. Dr. Mory l*eakey. at OIduvai Gorpc. Tanzania, shook the sclentllic w*orld

Monnrnent built


for prehistorie man

PORTLAND. Ore. f UPI) — Whcn Allen Dclay buys o handsaw at the hardware storę hc docsn't buy It becousc hc wants to bulld a housc. Hc plays U.

••! buy It for tonę. too.'* aid the • 59-ycnr-old hotographer. who first eard a carpcntcr play the to! In Topcka. Kon., whcn ć~'wdS'"n*'boy.~Thc-saw arrled hłm through the cprcssłon. a scycn-jrgeont band thot toured lasko In World War II. nd most rcccntly o two-[pht stand with the Orcpon ympohony Orchestra loying the Khachaturlan lano Xoncerto. a liuh-:ntury Russlon folk allod. •    • -

WTicn hc was 16. Dclay sald hc found a saw hanglng in Ihc maln-tcnoncc room of a Portląnd bank. and rcmcmlierinp the cnchanting tunes played 'by -the Topcka * carpcntcr. Itcgon lo cx-periment durlng lunch -hours. Hc osked to tokc the saw home on wcckcnds and . was soon ploylng ulonp with Ute rodło.------—r

in the I!i5ns aml IMios. —Amonp-lhem-wnst lu*-f Ind.-uf the earthly mttains of the first muker of kIoik* tools.

Oiducui Gorpc is u 25-milelonpeunyon. where lite Ix?akeys discoccred laycr upon laycr of utieienl lako shores contalniitp eeldenee of humait occupalioit. in-"cludlnp^ihe ififiHTituńus' cvolullun of słone tools} front crude pehhle IcmiIs to the moro sophistlcated implements of finał słone-ape mun.

Scientists poured Into Kast Africa. newsites weno opened up and fusclmiting ner disc<ivcrłcs wcrc madc. lutuis lx*akcy‘s l»lp nucleus collcctlon priccłcss fosslls and tifacts was housed in Kcnya Natfonul Muscunt.' The colleetion prew rapldly as new spoci mens camc In.

I^ouls lx»akey sel up u Center for Prchislory and Palucontolop>' łn in ]<Jtt2 at the muscum lo necl ihc fossll crlsls. As n’tni*c scientists came lo Kcnya to' ckumlnc mulerial. as new? oxpcditions- were* orpanized. the mndest




faellilies uf the center wen* -extended-mid Ute erlsls ol palaeontolopierl pleoiy hit the nttLsciut).

One vasl and iiiereasłnp snurce of prehistorie ntalcrial of enonttotis value tu science is Ute auinial eN|Hxiltion. headisi hy Richard U*akey liltn-sidl. lo rentole Lakę ” Ri«lól(ih' Iń 'Kenya. whcn* ‘ intporlanl new cvldencć of itiair.s oriplns is Itcittp dłscnceied in new fossll silos.

•Afler discussions with Icadinp seiculisls In America. Ilrłtaln. France. Germany. Spuin. Ifnlland. <!anada and South Africa. Richard Leakoy cum* milled fiimsel f to huild (hc I^otils lx?ukey Instłlulc f Prehbstory. Ile has Ihe fuli support of Ute . Kcnya Gnvcmutcut.

Richard Leakoy has ulrcady rałsud aliout ^tfid.nou for ihc huildlnp in cash and pledpes. *

While. Black is vcry likcly to leavc borne tablc. If Winie hils Uutl blol developed that will result in his win if Black cornes in and bearsoffsafe pammoned.

Backpammon is a wonderful an brief nrlicles can only serve as an playing each other can derivc as i tliey musi play lo learn.

One gnat thing obout backpamr hopeless. Onet* we played a camc borne off 14 of ltisJ5^men.. wy„hit., hoirne bourd. uńd a succesślon of v parł resulted in our wtnnłng ihe gu



Baldwin I

• Vr--



Rent May Be o; to ihe Purchase

A dcmonstrallon to ihc Mllwaukie Granpc orie night as a 17-ycar-old soon hroughl morc offers. to hcarhls saw.

•*I played forassemblles. garden clubs. for Joh's Daughtcrs." Delay said. *Td play for a drink or dinner. and In lhose days thalwasrcallyok.'* • •





' Khch«n Ł Bothroom . Coblnota A Sp*<lo1ty

"Cłiock quo1lły o« o* prlc*l"




Picturo tubo going . aut? Cali or como In and soo us aboi^t a picturo tubo with/a _throo_yoar_warranty. — Iłłotlmo protoction plus guorantood ro~ placomant discount.*


Phono 733*5863 or < 223 Addlton Avo.



143 Maln Ave. Eost

Ploaso sond m# moro Informcrl on your piano rontal pian.

Name _




• • •


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