6 Tunc? Ncw* Tw*i F*ra. ł<*j*o 'Svndfly. Odebrr 6. It74
Soriet Jew emigration deal in trouble
te) Sew Yoc*TUr«Scrvic*
W ASIU K G T O N Nrgirf bilion* for a cmmpcomtflr . liuil COCJk! jf Iow M ka»l Go.uuu SoVK*f JCU* md ^bCT* (O cmig/atc > tarły ki tri urn lor American trade cunoc**uti» lwvc run lido kt*uv Ia4-mumii- prtrtlcm* Uuil may Irfnck Uv* • jTt-cmcfil lllghly rellahlr ad iuiniMr.il Imi and Snuli* In firmants Ihe prmf*xti%x-
OHuprtMtiiM* appran. ta how ł»rxfciii down aflcr a dcYfokut liy Ihc Ulkte lUw łasi mrrk (V pul ttfcte a prlnr un-dccMandmg lo j*ivc urfilm as«ranft> lo Congr\r** Out il bdlevcd the ttJ.OUJ figuro. and. nlher ckiall*. mnuld bę rarrk*d out by UicKunsI.hi*.
ThK Mirprisiu/t tłcrclopmmi ha* k-d lo charges and counter rhargi* In Ihc* ctłd SuiOlt* iH-gi»tt.it«»rs ot ihc cmtifmimk*
and Ihc admJnl*tf;»tK«i aluuf Miw wam m faun for tu- ^ pjnnt Itfcakduwn bt Ihc talk* UWIII Ihc I.MrM drrrtop incnU. .1 ompnimiH' acnird Mrrm-d allYM i-onip|<fc.
The- chief ncRnlmton. Si-rrrtary of State KlnsIihnc * *■ llw udtiiM)iHtr;i4»on. .nul feitator* llinry M. Jarfcmn. J.icy« K. JavtU imhI Ahraluin A. Kiiilcnff k>r Ihc Ctontre**. *«rfclng on ihc k-gJ*iauvi-
Water projects studied
languagc to impU-irKid Ihr lr.Kk- hcficfft* k*r tbr Koman* and l« M up a %%Mrnt kr. iiMifilltiriitg Ihc nprtfnl mi igr altan
Kaw. Ihrfc' I* m
Wo%h4ngU»it •*vrr l*«
Ihc dcal. altheugh Ihc negut latur^ I***- • - imt-t *&iim Mooduy.
Morcovcr. Uk* bk «*i ihr OntnJlm* Tr;uk- Itdnnii .U1 Mm in Jcupanfy The ;k1 hx* Iwo hckl up lii tommktrr pending ronini ma «l Ilu-ctimpnmUM.-
Ihc Norki l*nk*i. IhriHH^nit III (hMruvO(Mi\ tn WaMiliH.nmol fU- Lim vcix ral monchy. vio a Hiit-m- rnjt MiKiunconi *pjr. iieęiam
Musccm* otvcr fmadt om puMw*- ntfnhuimmr: Uii"icjTr avNuroiKi * to Kismi^t Ihal in rvlum for the Iradc hroeflU • nonilKcriinlnalnry inrllfs. krwui ;i* miiMdaMirtd nafn.r. Ircatmcnl. and omtirwi.it tan ot L*»vcmim-nl-puckrd cx port-import Umk credu* - u unufd c«»d liaraNuntnl ot uot,.'du-cmlcr.inL*.
WASHINGTON . 1111 - The Anny Corp* ot t*
ftWałuat lnu Ihe mxd for al«*ul #Wi |im|tci> InHrN ol nr* Ia** wMet) cmpha>lxe c-n* vrn>miH*nt:il concrnw cncr na%*i|!atlrm and irrl^.&tlun nHjulrcmciUfł.
A Corps spofc><!i^n * 4uUI Sofurd;i> that moM ol Ihc pmjcctK licliii: Mvdlvd l»Jw lwi on Uh- dr.i-»nc Uiard lor ytant liul hau- not kra Itmdcd by OwiicresN Mmc al krat IJOL, r-
l'nder currml lam*. thcCnrps
ran rcccahiało any pn>)<\l mhieh ha> nul Uch fnukd In (%M yrant Al k ;id ax»of ihc curp * Ocw pm>ccl\ fali udo OUn CflltiDny. Ale* Sbm.iiko. ctik-f curp* k>>iMall\v llawi nffircr. HM
Sbu jilkn ii^rcid tfial moM ol IIk-mt pmJcelR lwi put un
Ihc hack hhclf anyma) and Klvcn a -km* prtorlty h>* Ihr Corp% and Contrę^
Ncxt ycar. thcrc may hr morc projecU cIIkIMc lor rccvaiuatfun -Project* Ihal htnral bera fuodid for *c%cn >cam thl* ycar min lx? no Uic
Ibl ncxt >t\ar unlc» they are fun&d." Shmalko %ald
Craps pw^rt* ha\c otten lwi a tarjorl of cnnKrcuiloml mtWs as a primc u»urtx* fnr • pork lorrrr aipcndmg Ibal *fł« Ihc rxxd« of Ic^daior* to oppease cmtNucoU >K»ck l»mc moru thnn the Icfsltlmak-defnand* of carłnK lor ihc naUon“w watem ays and muter *upptlcs
The Cerps sald Ihal up to S3 bilfton fn pobffc fund* mould :*? wred If the projccls arc scr*ftmKl
COLUMB1AN CLUB S 17th Annuol
AHTIQUES Show and Sale
• RODEWAY INN - Bot*®, Idoho
OCTOBIR 10, 11.and 13, 1974
Thuridoy ond Frldoy. 11:00 o.m. lo 9:00 p.m.
Saturdoy ...........>1:00 o.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Dmoltrt łrem 4 ilotoft oahlblflnę
AdmUstora $1.19 |i«dfvm frlwUf^)
FIRST LADY Bctly Ford, who U rcgalnln* nomud uacof her rlgM arm jujt one mtek aflcr undcrgolng brr rut canctr surgery. provra thit ihc * rcct>vrrtng fas! by toislng a foctbaJi to Prcs-dcnl Ford In Bethcsda NavaJ Hospłlal Flrday. (UPI)
Mrs. Ford said 4excellent’
WASHINGTON ilM* -•Brtly Fon! marlci-d Ihc end uf a Im rek of hmptinIUatkmi for gtrmm*al of a cnnccrmt* Itrrad lurday In u alk Ing around ki Mitr af m ili mul cal Ing a ly Im-akfnM of egj>. and lna*l.
J Doctor* tnfd 1'rcMdcnt Ford Ib mile moukl pnUciNy lic
n-kawl •iIr*i4 Wi-dmyby. Kncmiragcd hy the prapWk. the l^rcMdrtil pla>ctfl hH fliM raund of g.Jf In Iwo wrekv at IlunUng Tire gnlt coufNc onl> a feu* mdra fmm ihc huapMal The dalty mcdical I mitel hi UKiicd hy ihc Whilc IIihw rrported that Ihc Fina Uwk* conlliiucd to m.-ikc ••inirtkeil
eadlock may kill trip mining bill
r alicr laM Saturday'* :ralk»n lo rritmr brr rigJ4
MH* FgrdS surgion. I>r. WtilUim KhUy. sald hbrpaHcnt *pcift “an cxcxdciit. rcMful nlidlt*' ot HcttNWla Nnv;U Center In »4mr1ian Moblind
Ur*. Ford U DMvkiU ałmwt hu*pltal sultc ol mlii ond h«S. cnnd appetup. Ihc liullctln sald.
She dlmel Fnd&y cvmkig on hroilcd ehkken. rcitrtaŃcs. truli cocktail and Ica aml lud a poachcd c*X- hiraa UkiM. jukc and Ica for lirrokloM Salurd.iv.
Atslstont Monogor
Filio w p/«vd lt I M« Ali iltAi Otcfr Oookt. H* r odw«-.d Ir** TwUl Fo«f| HięH kW mlWI Ml Ut»*> •d ImO H«'i •* ««t BrwkH eo%k#*t»otl ibo^ Nb hot biwt om#a4imq pSb tr of
do*»o Comt U% B44 Wilctmi Nt^ll
nlfl c*i hit
O Grlfłly Boor Fin#
Stop in and get acquainted ur i tli the Bear You’11 be glad ® you did
1886 Addl.cn Ara. Ł PIZZA PARLORS
WASHINGTON ilPli -Icgblotton to cmUibl JUip—mli»U»a—ot coat-
yor.ddircd by ^nou Imponant łni ot ihc tanie actolwpiM ■2 A )0lnl | jjnłttce r.a •convpr«mii
nuim* ns Ihc cmiroomcnUri Ihc 3łrd Congrrss - may ftclijcopardy.
* A )olnt Hou*c-5knatc ct*nv named to uork out tlsc leg i*l al lun H ®caćfockcd and ho* pmipuncd 5$nc<hcr mcci Ing untll Tusday m-a drlay that cm*! kltl Uic
C Chince* merę ul Im Ihal finał JJongr«M:onn! upprovat ctmld jjomc licfoce Ihc ummilh Imig arlcctlon rcccss. Kiv Sflronmcnlallats fcar Its falc In 3 bmcMuck *c**km after ihc JComnbcr ckel ton.-*. m Aa ntlerrpl hy Rep Mottu 3< Udali. D-Artt.. confcrencr 2h4Vman. lo flnKh adkm JJołlcd Ias1 meck durlng a rare ■plghl mccllng mhen ihc fradon and congre**mcn.
h»\e agrred on alJ rdher JS^:s bf Ihc Icgtslallon. j^cadlockcd on provkxto«i» •pcotcding rtghfs ot surfoęc
&W71CT* ,
2 “II mould lic n crylng Mianie Utsc ihr bili Iwcauac of ihl.x,M •Udali wiJd Frklay. ndding Ihal •Uic ml of Uic compranlsc was :~n hrtl U a p«*l Mrtp młiWug *M1I"
Ile hlamed Hcpuhllcan ^Hoom- omfcTce* for Mailing Uic OMnproiniM* by *fcSng mtlh Jiemner ot* denundlng mu(.icc
nmiicr* mnuld allrcl htllion* of tom of untappeti oxil rr*crvr> Ju vaxt of ibr WcM—It spcciflc.illy* linku lud uficre the fcdcral gaienuiMt hoteS nuncr.ds nghl.v but kidjytdual raneber* omii the surf.icc under homcMead lawm.
The fcdcral govemanem hw nln-od>- Ic.imM much of it* minerał rlghU lo cnal and pirmcrcnmpnnlc*.___
A Scnalc pa*>c«f bill outlaw Mnp mining on Mich Innd cni trety ma* cprickly itroppc-d hy ihc c«ifmx%!i. who Ulen found tlić) coufc! not agjvc on n IIoum- %‘crskm m bieli wwild altów* Mtrfacc mining I! Uic conl operator firM olit^ncd the wrlltcn tomem ot the aurfaccomncr
1 kmise mcinlKTs hi-l«l t Irm oo •thdr dcmand for wrltlcn con*cnt of the Mirian- ouner. lwi Sen. Mayd Wndu-ll. I) Colo. Icadlng Ihc Smotc up-poution. ctairmM K mnuld alk** Wlndtair pnditccnng l-y ranchcr*. VarkiuM pnpos.iK Co Umil wind fali* wen- eon-* I d c r p d w I I It o u t rcsult.
M ’*^B tor DMS ; «1o^ Alt# LFN fof
WrWo »o !•■ H J
Ot) Tkftot-MBWB 7.O.M. MO
UbKo 01101
; “Thi? dnn t mant a foli.** be -aJdrd
J The conlrmmlal *n1ion J^coNog ullh right* u4 Mirfacc
LEASING. Com Key, isayailahlc with nricin, options ncver ocforc availablc from Nloun* lain Bell. You gcł Mountain Bell cquip-mem. Mounlain Bell repair scrvices. and ehe flexibilily lo morc nc-curatcly deicrmine your ćqst.ovcr aCxed num-ber of ycars.
lymwrabmoif ilkftd tf jam rwM łii - • »rn—I iiBalriilii tf Cmi Kty ibU M mi «* im IW Mm**** D^bunm.
This is an interestin way tosavc money an kcepyourlincs frcc for business calls. You can prcvcnt dircct cuisidc ~cąllr from-any--pre* selecicd tclcphonc. Of coursc. these phones would slill be ablc tó rc-ccivc any incoming or iniercom calls.
4C.008 poind 9rvck rifh «ol.
NICHTIY 7:30 t 9:30 MATINEK SAT. t SUN. 1:30-3:30.5:30
fo, t lich...
Phon# 734-2400
Now you can scl up a convcrsaiion with pco-ple in a number of olher locuiions(evcn other eilies). Imagine mceling wilh salcsmen from Los Angeles and New York wiihoul cvcr having io lcave your desk.
BUTTON RESTORATION. Evcryiimc you hang up the rccciver nil ihe bullons on your phone poji up aulomatically. This pro-tccisagainst accidenial cali inierruplion.
You eon set up an inlcmal confcrcnce using up to six different telcphoncs. This makes it possible for you to havc confercnccs wilhin the officc. without having lo gei idgciher in
the same room;-;—-------- — •*'— ------ -
twin faus