Lecture Teacher: Anna Dziadkiewicz, PhD E-mail: anna.dziadkiewicz@ug.edu.pl

Content/ Course Description:

Studies are addressed to all interested in social media, in particular for current and futurę employees of advertising agencies, PR and marketing professionals who want to expand and improve their knowledge of the booming social media marketing. The main aim of the course is a preparation of students for presence management brand / institutions / persons in the social media space based on the most current knowledge of the best specialists in the market. The issues, that will be discussed are: basics of social media, strategies, brand philosophy and its Communications, customer service in social media, social media campaign, content design, social ads and real time bidding etc. Studies are conducted in 90% in an interactive format: exercise, case studies, analysis, observation.


All materials will be provided during classes.


Creation of social media campaign.

Green Business





Lectures: 15


Sem ester: summer




Lecture Teacher: PhD Małgorzata Szymanska-Bralkowska E-mail: m.bralkowska@ug.edu.pl Homepage: http://zzjs.wzr.pl/prac_www.php?prac=437 Course Website: https://pe.ug.edu.pl/nauczyciel/748

Content/ Course Description:

1.    Introduction to green business.

2.    Understanding global environmental issues and its impact on world economy.

3.    Environmental Strategy.

4.    Environmental Management, Environmental Management Systems (EMS) -methodology, role, current issues in business.

5.    Green Manufacturing - Lean and Green approach.

6.    Organie food and farming.

7.    CSR - company social responsibility on environmental matter - case studies.

8.    Summary - discussion on green business, environmental management and environmental initiatives in different countries.


1.    Winston A. S., Green Recovery, Harvard Business Press, Boston 2011.

2.    Zokaei K., Lovins H., Wood A., Hines P., Creating a Lean and Green Business System. Techniques for lmproving Profits and Sustainability, CRC Press, A Productivity Press Book, New York 2013.

3.    Averill D., Lean Sustainability. Creating Safe, Enduring and Profitable Operations, CRC Press, A Productivity Press Book, New York 2011.

4.    Schendler A., Getting Green Done, Public Affairs, New York 2009.

5.    Wills B., Green Intentions. Creating a Green Value Stream to Compete and Win, A Productivity Press Book, CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group, New York 2009.

6.    Van der Zee B., Green Business, Dorling Kindersley Limited, London 2008.

7.    Friend G., Privitt B., Kordesch N., The Truth About Green Business, FT Press, New Jersey 2009.


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